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    Resistance is Futile

    Resistance is Futile


    To most people Sunday is one of the three good days of the week, but to one Ashley Davies it’s worse than a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. A Sunday for Ashley Davies is not relaxing or in the slightest bit pleasurable.

    A Sunday in the life of Ashley Davies is a painfully boring day. If it wasn’t for her amazing fiancé Spencer Carlin, then the young brunette would surely die after having to spend the day with the Carlin clan.

    She could think of much more entertaining and pleasurable things for her and Spencer to do on their Sundays, but no the devil lives in a woman, who goes by the name of Paula Carlin. Spencer’s mother is accepting of her daughters choices, but she goes out of her way to take up Spencer’s free schedule. So much so that Ashley hasn’t had any loving from Spencer since proposing to her almost 2 months ago.

    Back before they were engaged Ashley couldn’t even go 2 days with having Spencer all over her. And back then Spencer was worse than the brunette when it came to being horny. The blonde back then was like a little dog, always humping at Ashley’s leg.

    Since the engagement Paula has wanted to spend more time with her only daughter, her sons just weren’t the same as her little girl. And Spencer could hardly refuse her mom anything, always wanting to keep her happy, but what about Ashley?

    The young horny brunette was determined to seek out Spencer’s lost libido. So late one Saturday night, she tried her luck with her girlfriend. Somehow Spencer gained the will to decline every single one of Ashley advances. It was only when Ashley was threatened to be made to sleep on the couch did she give up and settle for cuddling instead.

    It wasn’t that Spencer didn’t want to. It was just she had to spend the whole day with her mom the next day. So she needed to get some sleep, she knew that once they started they would be at it all night long and more often than not it carried on till the early morning. And Spencer needed all the energy she could get to cope with her mom for the whole day.

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    1. That was awesome. And did I really read that you were naked after writing this? And before I get any inappropriate thoughts, how old are you? lol Anyway that was a great one shot. PMASAP!!!

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