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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 2)

    Current Place: Alpha Zeta Alpha Sorority house party. Current time…” Spencer looked at her star wars watch we hung loosely on her pale wrist. “10 P.M. Current mood…no comment.” She let out a big sigh before she headed into the madness with only a notepad, a ball point pen, and her bravery.

    The music was bumpin’, neon lights circled the room quicker than you can imagine, and no one was dancing. Why? Your guess was as good as Spencers.

    She stood there in the middle of the gigantic mansion and there was no party in sight. “Uhm, excuse me, when does the party start?” Spencer asked a girl who just passed by her with a big ball of stremmers.

    10 P.M. Why?”

    “It’s 10 P.M. where is everyone?”

    “Who arrives to a party on time?” She laughed and left before Spencer could even answer.

    “A normal person who has a bit of common sense.” She said under her breathe.

    It was 11 and finally people started to show up. The girls were wearing the sluttiest outfits possible and the guys; let’s just say they don’t go off the whole shirts-are-mandatory type of thing. Spencer looked down at her outfit: jeans, a fitted shirt, and some flats. “I guess I’m a little underdressed.”

    30 Minutes passed…

    Spencer eased her way between the big crowd of dancing maniacs in attempt to find the little Miss Queen Bee herself. Words and phrases raced through her head as she tried to find the right words to spark up a conversation.

    She looked around and finally saw her. Ashley Davies stood there in all her marvelous pink covered glory talking to one of her “sisters”. She sipped her illegal drink as she nodded to a girl who just kept talking.

    Spencer took in a deep breathe and walked to the two girls. “Ashley Davies, I’m a journalist for the UCLA newspaper. Is it possible if we can do the interview now?”

    “Yeah sure.” She turned to the girl who she was talking to and handed her her drink.

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    1. I’m so looking forward to the next chapter. :) It seems like you’ve really nailed Spencer and Ashley’s characteristics so far, which is great.

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