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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 4)

    Beginning of October: Ashley’s Room

    Ashley laid across her bed lazily as she eyed the unusual marks on her ceiling. She gripped her chilled beer and took a sip then returned it to its usual space. Many of beers have sat there always adding to the already darken circle on the side table. The tune of an Allister song filled the room as the cell phone began to flash and vibrate. Ashley reached over and flipped it open before pressing it to her ear.


    “Ashley, hey.”

    She immediately sat up surely knowing who was on the other line. She took another swig of her beer before answering.

    “Yeah, what’s up?”

    “Are you busy?”

    “No, why.”

    “Maybe you’d like to hang out…get something to eat, catch a movie?”

    “Something to eat sounds great, pick me up in an hour?”

    “All right, see you then.”

    Ashley shut her phone unable to control the smile that was forming on her face. A squeal escaped her mouth, a sign of nervousness, I suppose. Maybe?

    Spencer knocked on the door of the gigantic sorority house. An Alpha Zeta Alpha girl answered and asked who she was.

    “I’m here for Ashley.”

    “Right…” She nodded making it obvious to Spencer that she didn’t care. “Ashley!” She called out and then returned back to Spencer.

    “She’ll be down in a sec.”

    “Okay, thanks.”

    “So like what are you? Like some sort of lab partner?”

    “Uhm, isn’t that a little insulting. I don’t think judging someone by the way she looks, is a good way to start a conversation.”


    Just in time, Ashley skipped down the stairs in her tank top and skinny jeans. “Spencer, hey!” She smiled, waving at her.

    “You actually know her?” The girl said to her.

    “Of course, silly. I wouldn’t say her name if I didn’t know her.” Ashley said and playfully slapped her on the arm. She giggled the most annoying laugh ever before closing the door behind her.

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    1. i’m guessing ash’s fake persona is going to cause problems for the beginning couple/friends later on but right now i love how ash is with spencer vs how she is around other people pms

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