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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 7)

    A Couple Days Later at a Fast Food Resturant.

    Spencer popped in fry after fry into her mouth as she began to drift off.

    “Hey Spencer.”

    “Ashley, hi.” Spencer smiled walking towards her.

    “How’s my girl?”

    “Better.” She replied giving her a hug.

    “Come here.”

    Ashley smiled before kissing her on the lips. She parted from her and winked at her. “Spencer? Spencer? Hello?”

    “Spencer!” Tyler yelled banging on the table.

    “Mhm, yeah, I’m here I’m here.”

    “You’ve been day dreaming on and off lately.”

    “No I haven’t, shut up.”

    “Trust me, Spence, your hooked on her already.”

    “How’d you know-”

    “It’s not that hard to tell.”

    “It’s just…you know. I’m just nervous you know, I never really had anything like this.”

    “Like you liking someone so much?”

    “Yeah, that’s it.”

    “Wow, thanks Spence.”

    “No, no,” She laughed patting down on his arm. “I fell for you completely, but now I’m falling for her, and she’s a girl. It’s just different.”

    “Cause she has boobs, I get it, what’s not to love?”

    “Exactly, boobs, there different.”

    “Do you want my opinion? Because I think you should just go after it, I mean you don’t really get this feeling often, take it when it comes. Or you’ll regret it, trust me.”


    “Spencer, go for it.”

    Spencer ran up to the Alpha Zeta Alpha sorority house and knocked loudly on the door.

    “How may I help-“ one of the familiar sorority girls said. “Oh it’s you again.”

    “Yeah, thanks for such a welcoming gesture. Can I talk to Ashley?”

    “Yeah, uh, she’s not here right now.”

    “Fuck that, let me in.”

    “We do not need some who cusses to be in our house.”

    “Well why don’t you tell that to all of those cussing-partying-alcohol drinking bitches that, and then get back to me.” Spencer shot back and blew right past her as she ran up the stairs. It wasn’t completely hard to find Ashley’s room, because there names were plastered all over there door.

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