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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 8)

    Two Days Later

    Ashley held onto her small purse and smoothed out her hair before she knocked gently on Spencer’s room.

    “Oh my gosh, she’s here.” Ashley heard from the other side of the door.

    “Go, Spencer, hurry up.” A man’s voice replied.

    Spencer pulled open the door and straightened out her skirt before looking up at Ashley. “Uhm, hi.”

    “Hello…” Ashley said easily. She leaned over to the side and nodded over to Tyler. “Who’s he?”

    “My roommate slash best friend slash ex boyfriend, Tyler.”

    Ashley lifted up one eyebrow with a confused look. “Your rooming with your ex?”

    Spencer looked back at Tyler and smiled. “I don’t think of him as my ex. He’s a great guy, trust me.” Ashley looked into her eyes and then smiled. “All right.” She leaned over again and looked over at Tyler. “If you’re the one that made Spencer come after you, then your cool.”

    “Haha, I couldn’t let her not.”

    “Props, man.” Ashley smiled. “Are you ready to go, Spence?” She asked.

    “Of course.” She looked back again. “Bye, Ty.”

    “Peace out, girls.”

    Ashley placed her Aviators over her eyes and pulled Spencer next to her. “Why you so far away?” Spencer looked at her and shrugged. Ashley placed her arm around Spencer’s shoulder and slipped her other hand into her jean pocket. “So I’m thinking that we maybe shouldn’t watch a scary movie.”

    “Yes, thank you.” Spencer sighed in relief.

    “Maybe we can just…chill at the beach?”

    “I’m in jeans, Ash.”

    “It doesn’t matter, I’ll buy you a swimsuit.”

    “No, it’s fine, I’ll wear my jeans.”

    “All right, saves me money.”

    Spencer pulled out a pair of sunglasses from her purse before she walked onto the sand. “Wow, no one is really here.”

    “Well it is a Wednesday.”

    Spencer laughed and leaned in closer to her friend. “I’m glad I’m here with you.” Ashley looked down at Spencer who was wrapped around in her arms, “I’m glad that your glad you’re here with me.” Ashley smiled and then laughed at Spencer who was struggling to understand what she just had said.

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