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     Ashley’s Revenge?

    I have been dating my girlfriend for a long time now. About a year. She’s been begging me to come out to my parents. And I want to, trust me. I don’t think my dad will mind, but my mother will have a fit. She’s extremely religious and I just know that she’s not going to accept us. Because of this reason, I keep putting off the whole “coming out” thing. And I’ll tell you, Ashley is less than thrilled about that.


    She doesn’t want to be my little secret.


    Not only do I hide our relationship, I always act as if I’m interested in boys when I’m in front of my parents. Actually, for a while there, I was “dating” some guys at school. You know, just to through them off track…pretend straight for them. Again, my girlfriend was less than thrilled at this.


    “You promised me that you would tell them about us, Spencer,” I hear her complain as soon as my bedroom door closes.


    “Ash, I’m sorry,” I sigh, trying to explain, “it’s hard for me.”


    “Spence, it’s been over a year, don’t you think it’s time!”


     I sigh.

    My parents had gone out to dinner and my brother was off somewhere, so I really didn’t feel like arguing with Ashley when we could be….you know….doing other things with this time. I put on a cheeky grin and make my way towards her, slowly. “Baby,” I begin in that sweet, innocent little voice, “Please don’t be upset. We are home alone.”




    “So,” I gently trace circles on her exposed, toned arm, “Can’t we come up with better ways to occupy this time?”


    “I can’t,” she states firmly, pushing me off of her.


    “What do you mean?” I question immediately, very shocked. She’s usually the horn-dog in this relationship.


    “I’m upset with you; I don’t feel like making love to you. Let’s just watch TV or something…and then sleep,” she explains as she turns her back to me, sits down on my bed and flips the TV switch on.



    And that’s what we did. We watched TV, when we could have been fucking. To say I was horny was an understatement. She’s wearing short PJ shorts and a skin tight tank top that is clinging to her in all the right places. I love it. While we were watching TV, I could feel myself becoming wetter and wetter. I so badly wanted to reach down and take care of myself.

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    1. omg your back!!!!!! i thought you forgot about us and i was going to go into a depression for story lost lol :P anyways i loved it i dont even think spencer will have to tell her parents im sure they heard her lol hell if was spence i sure wouldnt tell them ;) anyways i agree with everyone all of your stories need a sequeal especily this one lol :P pms please :D

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