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    Road Trip – (Chapter: Driving)


    Ashley’s Pov

    My name is Ashley Davies and i’m from California but I moved to Texas to go to college here. At first I didn’t think I was gonna like it but after I met the most beautiful girl in the world also known as my girlfriend and fiance; Spencer. Me and her are so different I don’t even understand how we got together. She comes from a rich family in Ohio and me I just come from Los Angeles with just my dad and twin brother Aiden. My mom died when she was giving birth to me and my brother. I’m a all working american girl. Me and Spencer met at a party that Aiden dragged me to. I asked her to dance and she said yes so we danced and afterwards she said I was a good dancer and then I asked her if I could see her again and she said yes so now here we are. About a month ago I proposed to her and she said yes and was so excited. So now we are about to go on a road trip to Ohio to tell her parents the news. 

    Ring Ring Ring

    It’s my brother calling me

    "Whats up Aide"

    "Ready to get this trip going" 

    "Yeah I’m sitting outside Spencer’s dorm waiting for her to come out but I think she is still sleeping"

    "You know she so just tell her to her little ass out here"

    "Okay pushy"

    "Can we switch cars please"

    Haha I knew he was going to ask, but he can’t. I drive a candy red 1960 mustang with a bad ass engine. It used to be a piece of junk when  I was younger but me and my dad fixed it up and for my graduation gift he gave it to me. It’s got leather black seats, killer music system, and nice rims. Its a bad ass ride.

    "Oh hell no, nobody gets to drive this car except for me baby boy"

    "Whatever Ash you are only older by four minutes but hurry up and cell Spence so we can beat traffic."


    Damn let me call Spencer, my baby.

    Ring Ring Ring

    "Hey baby where are you"

    "Babe i’m about to run out the door I promise"

    "Ok babe I will be waiting by the car"

    I’m leaning against my car and I see Spence come running out in her jammies but she looks so cute. She runs into my arms and wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me."

    "Did you miss me"

    "I always miss you baby"

    "I missed you to"

    She just smiles at me with her perfect white teeth

    "Lets hurry before Aiden has a heart attack."

    She laughs and we get into the car and follow Aiden out while Spence is putting her clothes on in the car she is wearing jeans and one of my band shirts she took from my apartment. When she is done she gives me that face I know oh so well.

    "You have to pee don’t you"


    I can tell that she is lying to me

    "Okay fine I do can we please stop babe"

    "Yes sweetheart just let me call Aiden and tell him we are pulling over"

    We pulled over at a taco bell so Spencer could pee"

    She comes running out to the car smiling at me

    "You feel better"

    "So much better sweety"



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