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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 14)

    It was their last morning in their dorm room before winter break. The girls lay peacefully in bed neither wanting to move. They knew what the day would bring. Today they would receive their final grades for the classes they had worked so hard for, they would have to pack all their clothes and they would have to head to their separate homes and separate beds. Today was going to be busy, but for now they just lay in comfortable thankful silence, each silently praying that the moment wouldn’t end.


    “What time is it?” Spencer asked in a quiet voice


    “It’s only 930” Ashley answered, pulling the blonde closer.


    “I don’t want to leave”


    “I know”


    “Lets just stay in bed”


    “All day?”


    “MMhmmm” Spencer answered as she traced little circles on Ashley’s stomach


    “You know we can’t, we have to pick up our grades, and be ready to leave by 1”


    “I don’t want to; I don’t think I did well”


    Ashley rolled her eyes and gave the blonde a playful poke. “We all know you aced everything”


    “nope, I definitely failed chemistry”


    “Want to bet?” a smirk crossed the brunettes face.


    “Hmmm” the blonde was curious


    “If you failed chemistry then I’ll…” Ashley leaned in and whispered the rest of her thought into Spencer’s ear. The blonde’s eyes widened and she could feel a familiar throbbing.


    “a…and if I passed?” Spencer barely got out, causing the brunette to let out a laugh.


    “You’ll see”


    The girls finally made it out of bed and into the shower. They were out the door by 11 and on their way to their advisors office to pick up the final grades. Then there they were sitting in the quad, white envelopes in hand.


    “I can’t look I’m scared” Spencer said


    “Yes you can, just open it”


    “Do it for me, please, please”


    “Alright” Ashley gave in taking the envelope off the table. She slowly, almost painfully opened it. Spencer was a nervous wreck, but the brunette took her time. Tearing away the seal with surgical precision, well aware of the torture she was putting the blonde through.

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    1. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    2. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

    3. Hell no this cant be happening. Sarah is a EVIL bitch that want spencer. Ashley better fix this now. You cant let this happen. Please let ashley be able to keep living with spencer. PMS

    4. Sarah is starting is gross me out. She’s a fucking stalker! And she needs to get a life! This chapter reminds me of my gf and I. We decided to move in together this january so, she put a req in to leave her dorm. And now she can’t reverse. We’re not moving in together anymore so, she’s stuck with a two bedroom.

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