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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 16)

    Ashley came out from backstage and the first person she saw was quickly wrapping her arms around the brunette.


    “I’m so proud of you! You did great” the blonde said, still holding her grip.


    “Thanks, I’m so glad you were here…” and that’s when she spotted her. Jessica was sitting across the room. Their eyes locked for a moment and Ashley tensed up, not going unnoticed by Spencer, who stepped back to see if the brunette was ok.


    “What’s wrong?” she asked with concern. Looking in the direction that Ashley’s eyes were locked in, when she spotted Jessica she knew. “Oh”


    Ashley heard the disappointment in Spencer’s voice and quickly snapped out of it. “No, no, it’s not like that.”


    “I know who she is Ash, its okay” the blonde said “Listen she’s obviously here to talk to you. Why don’t you go ahead and I’ll be in the car”


    “No Spence, that’s not necessary” she insisted, but Spencer had already grabbed the keys. She gave the brunette a possessive deep kiss and walked out.


    Ashley locked eyes with her ex who was now walking over to her.


    “What do you want Jessica?” she asked sternly


    “I heard you were playing, I came by to see you” taller brunette answered sweetly.


    “Is that all? I have to get back to my girlfriend” The word girlfriend clearly had an affect on Jessica because she dramatically rolled her eyes.


    “No one can make you as happy as I did Ashley. Stop trying to fool yourself”


    “Happy? You thought I was happy when I walked in on you and that tramp! You think I was happy when you told me that I wasn’t good enough?”


    Jessica stayed silent. “People make mistakes” she said quietly “I can’t change what happened”


    “The fact is that it happened in the first place. I don’t even know why I’m explaining this to you Jess!” Ashley was yelling now. “You had your chance, its over. Now leave me alone”


    Jessica reached into her pocket and pulled out a small gold ring. “Do you remember?”


    Ashley was caught off guard when she saw the ring. “…yes” she said just above a whisper.

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    1. oh no she did NOT just call spencer jess. oh god damn…this isnt going to go well..and how convieniant is it that lynn is dating jess? ughhh. not going to go well at allll.i loooove this story! update soon!

    2. oh no she did NOT just call spencer jess. oh god damn…this isnt going to go well..and how convieniant is it that lynn is dating jess? ughhh. not going to go well at allll.i loooove this story! update soon!

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