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    Roommateness? – (Chapter: chapter 4)

     Spencer walked down the hallway and stopped in front of her room door. She could hear music playing, but it wasn’t coming from a stereo. It was coming from a guitar. Ashley’s playing Spencer got excited at the thought of hearing Ashley play. She quietly opened the door and saw Ashley sitting on the bed strumming. The brunette noticed the other girl’s presence and stopped.


    “Hey, how was class” she asked


    “Long, and boring. How was the beach?”


    “It was nice, I didn’t stay long though”


    “I didn’t mean to interrupt. What were you playing?”


    Ashley got embarrassed “O, nothing. Just something I wrote”


    “Play it for me” the blonde was asking.


    “I don’t know….”


    “please, please, please I’m dying to hear you play” the blonde begged. How could Ashley say no to that?


    “Alright, but no laughing” Ashley performed in front of people all the time, but for some reason she was nervous. She wanted to impress her new friend.


    Spencer nodded in agreement “I promise” with that Ashley started to play. It was a soft song and she started singing the lyrics.


    I don’t mind where you come from
    As long as you come to me
    I don’t like illusions I can’t see
    them clearly


    I don’t care no I wouldn’t dare
    To fix the twist in you
    You’ve shown me eventually
    What you’ll do

    I don’t mind…
    I don’t care…
    As long as you’re here

    Ashley started to strum harder and the song quickened for the chorus…

    Go ahead tell me you’ll leave again
    You’ll just come back running
    Holding your scarred heart in hand
    It’s all the same
    And I’ll take you for who you are
    If you take me for everything
    Do it all over again
    It’s all the same


    The chorus ended and the song softened again…


    Hours slide and days go by
    Till you decide to come
    And in between it always seems too long
    All of a sudden

    And I have the skill, yeah I have the will
    To breathe you in while I can
    However long you stay
    Is all that I am


    “That’s what I have so far” Ashley said “Its still a work in progress. What do you think?”


    Spencer was in awe. She open her mouth to speak but she was speechless. After a few moments she finally spoke up.

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