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    Save Me, My Lover. – (Chapter: Three)


     Save Me, My Lover

    Chapter 3


    “Baby, why are you crying?”


     I hear this voice, and it lets me know that I am crying. As soon as I hear her words, I instantly shut up, hoping that she might believe she is dreaming or something. She doesn’t. I feel the bed move as she gets closer. Her hand lightly slides down my arm. “Spencer, what’s the matter?”


    What do I say?






    What? Yeah, I guess that was the best I could think of. But hey, leave me alone, its not like I really had time to think. I feel the bed move again as she reaches over and turns the lamp on. She places a gentle hand on my shoulder and pushes me from my side, onto my back.


    “I had a terrible dream, baby. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake up. I was just scared.”


    “Well, what was it about?”


    She takes her hands and places them on my face, wiping my tears away. She tells me that it’s OK now and that I can stop crying. I moan, acting like I’m shaken from a dream. I grab a hold of her body and pull her very close, as if I’m still scared from this “dream”. Her arm ends up around my waist and I rest my head on her shoulder.


    “I had a dream that you got into an accident, and you almost didn’t make it. You did make it though…but I don’t know…it just shook me up.”


    Wow, really? I am so lame.


    “It was just a dream. I’m right here,” she reminds me as she squeezes my body. “It’s OK now.” I feel her place a light kiss on my forehead. She pushes some hair out of my hair and closes her eyes. I can sense that she is very sleepy. I have stopped crying and I tell her that I’m OK now, even though I am far from OK. She nods and says that we should just go back to sleep. She asks if I am really OK now. I tell her I am.


    “I’m fine,” I whisper softly as we both drift off to sleep.

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    1. That was pretty intense. Sorry, just caught up but it’s a great story so far. I totally hate what Spencer just did but get why she did. I just hope Ashley can break through and help her. PMS!

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