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    School Daze – (Chapter: Just another day?)

    Spencer filed into the classroom with the rest of the other 50 something students on the late Mon morning.  She grabbed her usual seat she took in every class, in the middle towards the front.   She knew from experience that the kids in front got looked over when the professors came close and the kids in back were just ignored.  The students in the middle received the most attention and stuck out most in the professor’s mind.  She by no means was a nerd of any sort and at times she was a borderline slacker but she found her natural smarts got her far with little effort.  Couple that with good mental placement in the minds of her professors and you have a pretty decent GPA on your hands.  So this was secret of her success.  It never hurt that she was the sister of the highly revered Clay Carlin.  He has become the thing of legend in almost every department.  Once any professor recognized her last name they asked if she was his sister they assumed she was as smart as he so they seldom thought twice of giving her passing grades.  She never figured how they knew that she was Clay’s white sister but she figured he must have spoken highly of his family to anyone he met.    It made her proud at times, and other just down right embarrassed.  But the majority of the time she was just thankful.

    Spencer removed the jacket she was sporting before sitting down, the pink Greek letters in high contrast to the yellow vinyl material.  She was thankful that this class was in one of the tier seated auditoriums so it offered a bit more anonymity and comfort.   She was in no mood for this advanced calc class and wanted to get this semester done with as little incident as possible.  She was looking very forward to ending her junior year.  The girls of her house had a wonderful summer of random trips to very cool places planned for “charity work”.   That was only if, of course, she passed calc and wouldn’t have to take it over for the summer.   She thought to herself as she waited for the professor to enter.

    Spencer:  Ok Spence let’s focus now.  Just smile, ask question and stay on top of the homework and you should be fine.  Yeah.  This should be easy.

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