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    Second Chances – (Chapter: Chapter 21 – THE END)


    Weeks turned into months and months turned into a year and Paula was still in a coma.


    It was little Ben first birthday and everyone was there. Evan runs up to his father


    Evan: “daddy daddy, why am I older then uncle Ben”


    Clay: “because you were born before him”


    Evan: “why was I born before him”


    Clay: “Evan go play with auntie Spencer and auntie Ashley”


    Evan: “k” and he goes running towards the girls


    Spencer was feeling really low that day and she tried to be happy but she couldn’t help to feel the way she did. Her mom was still in a coma and her little brothers birthday was today. Lucky she had Ashley and Evan to lift her sprites.


    Ashley: “Spence baby, why don’t you go up stairs and lie down for a little while, I can take care of everything down here”


    Spencer: “no I want to be here, plus I’m waiting for Ben, he hasn’t been back for hours”


    Ashley: “yea I know, where is he”


    Spencer: “he said he was going to check up on my mom to see how she was doing”


    Ashley: “oh” and with that Evan came running into Ashley’s arms “hey kiddo”


    Evan: “Ashly” and he gives her a hug, she puts him down, and he goes to Spencer “Spencer”


    Spencer: “hey buddy, how are you doing today”


    Evan: “I good, were is uncle Ben:


    Spencer: “he’s playing in the sand box with all the other kids”


    Evan: “no not dat uncle Ben, big uncle Ben”


    Spencer: her and Ashley giggle a little “ohh he just went to see grandma at the hospital”


    Evan: “oh…” and he puts on a sad face “I miss her” and a tears comes down his face


    Spencer: “I miss her to bubby” and a tear slip out to and her hugs him until he asked to be let down “Ashley, do you ever wonder if we would have never caught my mom cheating on my dad that we would be in this position today”


    Ashley: “I don’t know, maybe this was meant to be. Either way you put it your mom was still cheating on your dad. So I don’t think it would have changed anything” and she put her arm around Spencer’s waist and pulled her closer “you see things happen for a reason. Like us meeting each other and your parents getting a divorce. Not everything’s good but we still got each other and I’m not going anywhere”


    1. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    2. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    3. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    4. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    5. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

    6. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

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