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    Second Chances – (Chapter: Chapter 21 – THE END)


    Arthur: “what’s wrong” and he brushes the tear away


    Spencer: “I miss her, I wish she was here”


    Arthur: “I know honey, but you know what”


    Spencer: “what”


    Arthur: “even thou she’s not here in body, she’s here in sprite” and she nods her head and she hugs him


    The wedding is starting and Ashley’s dad walks her down the alley first once at the podium it was Spencer’s turn to come down the alley. The music is cued and their Spencer was with all of her glory in a gorgeous white Vera Wang dress with a beautiful Spanish style train and the vale over her face. Before Spencer was even close to her, she started to tear up. Spencer finally gets to her and the justice of the peace asks who are giving them away and both Arthur and Raife say, “I am.” Arthur pulls back Spencer’s vale and places her hands into Ashley’s.


    Once face to face, Ashley mouths “I love you” and Spencer mouths back “I love you too”


    The justice of the peace starts her announcements and then continues marrying them


    JOP: “Dearly beloved here are gathered here today to bring this to wonderful people in hole matrimony. Now is there anyone that thinks that these lady’s shouldn’t get married speak now or forever hold your peace” and with that the doors to the building fly open and everyone was shocked to see who is was.


    “I think they shouldn’t get married, I’m meant for Ashley and no one else. If I can’t have her, then no one can!” and shoots start flying everywhere. Ashley jumps in front of Spencer and little Ben and protects them from the psycho that just barged in on there wedding day. Ashley gets hit and her world goes blank.








    I know it may seem like I killed Ashley but I didn’t, I have another one after this one, theres no guaranty when that ones gonan come out but it is. LOL its not gonna be as long as this one, but its just gonna put the final nail to this coffin. Again thanks for readying and review if you want.



    1. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    2. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    3. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    4. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    5. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

    6. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

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