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    Second Chances – (Chapter: Chapter 21 – THE END)


    Spencer: “can you warm up the pancakes for me”


    Ashley: “nope”


    Spencer: with a confused look on her face “no”


    Ashley: “nope” seeing the look on Spencer’s face and gets up off the bed “nope because I’m, taking you out, lets go to gray’s, forget about what happened yesterday and lets just have fun”


    Spencer: “I don’t know. I’m really not up for going out”


    Ashley: “let’s just go out to dinner and if you’re up to it then we can go to gray’s. Deal”


    Spencer: “deal” and gets up from the bed “but I don’t have anything to wear”


    Ashley: “ahhh but you do. You see my big ol closet over there (points towards her closet) what’s mines is yours. So pick whatever you want”


    Spencer: “ok, first let me go take a shower” she goes to leave Ashley’s room but turns back around and leaps into Ashley’s arms and says, “Would you like to join me”


    Ashley: with a big smile on her face “I sure would” with Spencer still in her arms she walks them towards the bathroom. Striping each other of their clothes. Ashley turns the knob to the faucet and gets the water to the right temperature and helping Spencer get in and she follows behind her. Ashley grabs the bottle of coconut shampoo and pours some into her hand and whispers in Spencer’s ear “turn around” and she lathers the shampoo in her hands and starts messaging the it into Spencer’s hair, which causes a slight moan to erupted from Spencer’s mouth. This causes a tingling feeling inbetween her legs and she doesn’t think she could continue what she was doing and Spencer goes under the shower head and looks Ashley in her beautiful brown eyes and can see the lust in her eyes and she leans in capturing Ashley’s lips with hers. Slowly they start pressing their bodies together becoming one. Ashley slowly guilds Spencer back to the tile wall of the shower. Spencer filches from the cold of the wall and starts to giggle. This breaks the mood. “Way to break the mood Spencer” and starts cleaning her hair.


    Spencer: still giggling, “I’m sorry I just couldn’t help it” washing her body while still giggling


    1. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    2. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    3. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    4. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    5. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

    6. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

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