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    Second Chances – (Chapter: Chapter 21 – THE END)


    After finishing up in the shower they both head into the closet at the same time but Spencer decides to kick Ashley out


    Ashley: “what? Why are you kicking me out?”


    Spencer: “because I want it to be a surprise when you see how hott I look when I come out”


    Ashley: “Spencer these are my clothes I know what they look like”


    Spencer: “yea but you don’t know what they look like on me” giving her one last winks and closes the door behind her


    Ashley: “yea but what am I going to wear?’


    Spencer: “I’m going to pick yours out too”


    Ashley: still standing in her towel “fine” and walks over towards her dress and starts drying her hair and applying makeup. After she’s done with that she goes towards her bed and lies down and drifts off to sleep.



    An hour later Spencer comes dresses out in a short denim skirt and a cream-colored beaded halter-top with her hair down in loose curls and a little makeup on. Walking out of Ashley’s closet, she finds Ashley laid out in the bed lightly snoring. She giggles to herself, leans over Ashley, and places a kiss on her lips. After a few more pecks on the lips Ashley begins to smile and her eyes flutter open.


    Ashley: “hey beautiful” stretching while getting up she takes a good look at Spencer “wow you look….wow….” she have s huge smile on her face and she embraces Spencer in her arms and whispers in her ear “I love it when you wear my clothes” kissing her on her neck


    Spencer: “mmm and I love wearing them”


    Ashley: she pulls away a little and says, “sooo what do you got for me to wear?”


    Spencer: “well I picked this out for you” she hands her a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans and a black beaded halter-top.


    Ashley: “Spence this is sooo common why can’t I wear something sexy like you”


    Spencer: “well because I love the way your ass looks like in those jeans” causes Ashley to blush “and because the only one you need to be looking sexy for is me and….” Wrapping her arms around Ashley’s neck “I think you would look damn hott in what I picked out” giving her a peck on the lips. Letting go and smacking her on her ass “now go get ready so we can leave already”


    1. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    2. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    3. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    4. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    5. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

    6. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

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