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    Second Chances – (Chapter: Chapter 21 – THE END)



    They arrive at the top floor and everything looked amazing. There was one single table dressed in white, white candles everywhere even in the pool creating a glow on the top on the Hilton rooftop. Looking over the city of angles was tall building over looking the Hilton and down below the cars zipping by. Dean escorts them to their table and they both sit down.


    Spencer: “so what do you think?”


    Ashley: “I just don’t know what to say, this is just amazing” and she gets up from the chair and leans over the table and places a kiss on Spencer lips “so are you going to tell me who helped you get this done”


    Spencer: “it was your dad and I didn’t actually know he was going go this far, I just asked for a little favor”


    Ashley: “I love you Spencer”


    Spencer: “I love you too Ashley”


    And the night went as planed with no interruptions. Later that night Spencer called her dad and told him that she was going to spend the night at Ashley’s house and that she will be home early in the morning.





    2 years later



    2 years went by and there relationship was as strong as it was when they first meet. Spencer’s parents got divorcer and Paula got married to Ben Montanyo and is soon to be having his baby. Arthur also remarried a women names Karen a very nice lady from his job, Clay and Chelsea got married and had a baby a year and a half go and Glenn he’s couching a collage basketball team back in Ohio. He decided it was best for himself to get away from the madness and he made the right decision, now he’s engaged to the women of his dreams. Ashley found out she had a half sister named Kyla and her dad got married to Kyla’s mom. She was a sweet woman nothing like her mom and Ashley wished that she were her own mom and she was in a way. 


    Spencer: starts packing her things the there trip to Europe, “I can’t believe this is the end of our senior year Ash”


    1. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    2. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    3. OMG! My mouth dropped when the shooter interrupted their wedding. They don’t need anymore hardache! OMG.. I know you said you don’t kill Ashley, but make sure you don’t and the pain..Spencer is about to go through…I mean losing her mother, Ben, almost her father, taking care of her brother, and now the love of her life and on her wedding day…I feel for her…PMS! (smile)

    4. Im guessing that guy in the white was the Angel of Death or whatever I wonder who would shoot Ashley and why then and I hope your sequel is soon very soon

    5. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

    6. Hey I just wanted to let u kno that I’ve finally updated loves game after 3 years… Its not a terribly long update but its an update if ur still interested

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