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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 10)

    I suppose I look even crazier sniffing the paper. My heart doesn’t care how I look. My hands and body all miss her so much that they can’t stop dancing.


    “Spencer! What’s going on over there?”


    Everything, you idiot! My mouth told me not to say that out loud. It picked something else for me.


    “Nothing, I am fine”


    My hands and body rushed me into my room. My eyes and heart had convinced them that this had to be done in secrecy. Reading. It is my favorite. We love our favorites. My heart made them wait. Just to sniff the paper again. What is that perfume? I must remember this. I must. I can’t get the time. My love has freed me of that with her. My hands are shaking. I wonder if she knows that her heart’s beauty does this too me. My eyes are begging for silence from everyone. It has work to do.


    Spencer, my love, my queen,

    I love you. I can not begin to tell you how much I do. I know that you must have been surprised to see my mom. I was surprised too when she wanted to help me. I must look terrible to her after crying all day. I could barely go to school. I know that I sound different. I am not myself when you are not here. The teachers have sent me home everyday because of my love for you. I miss you so. I miss our sparkle. Our sparkle will never die. Nothing. I mean nothing can compare to my love, my Spencer. We were meant to be together.

    I never let the day or night or the hour or the second pass by without thinking of you. My heart is dying to be with you again. My heart has never known a love like this. My love for you lingers to no end. I will never stop loving you. Never! Never! The perfume is lovely isn’t it.

    There are so many things that I want to say, but I can’t seem to write fast enough. I miss touching you. I miss holding you. I miss kissing you. I miss our real conversations. I miss the way you look at me. I miss the way you know my thoughts before I do. I miss your smile. I miss everything about you. I want you so badly. I know that you are thinking ‘who knew that this was in me?‘. It was you. You knew because you know everything about me. And I you. You must not give up. We can’t let the sadness overtake us. We can’t. We can’t.

    Your heart is so special to me. So special. I feel everyday, the same way I felt when our eyes first met. I knew that I was in love then and I’m obsessed. I mean in love with you now and still. Every night, my only comfort is your picture and knowing your heart loves me so. I fight my depression everyday for you and I want you to keep fighting it too. Soon this will all be over and we will back together again. My hands and body send their love.

    It is lovely and it is for you. The perfume is Vera Wang’s Princess’ .

    With everything that is me,



    —–crying still without thoughts—-


    Oh my god! My heart. My heart. I read the letter again. I read it a million times. It is my favorite. We love our favorites. I need to be out of here. I need to be with my love. Her beauty is indescribable. Her heart is so genuine. So melt me genuine.


    “Spencer! You’ve got a phone call.”


    What! What a day? Who could this be? It can’t be my love. They would never allow that call through.




    “Spencer, it’s your mom”


    Paula. I hate her. Her heart is not with us. What could she possibly want? She knows nothing about my love. I know. I know everything about her.


    “Listen, Spence, I am coming by tomorrow afternoon to see how you are progressing. If I see that you are better, then I will let you do the rest of your changing at home.”


    Changing? I will never let her go. Never! Never! My mouth says to just go along with it.




    “I’ll be there in the afternoon around 2 pm or so”


    My mouth is hanging open. There are no words.



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    1. uh oh. thiiiis isnt gonna be good. paula and christine coming at the same time…oh dear. not good at all. whoever is telling you this story isnt good or whatever to diminish your self esteem is on crack. this story effing rocks!! it always makes me smile/laugh!! keep up the great work.

    2. oh god…I’m so obsessed with your story. I mean in love. This is one of my favorites. We love our favorites. LOL. just couldn’t resist XD. I usually don’t comment alot, but this story is so fresh and unique. ;-) I just read all your posts and I love your writing ! All of your stories are amaaaazing !!! and go christine ! get spencer outta here! lol…nice job =) really looking fowards to your updates. *thumbs up*

    3. yea yea that evil conniving bitch Paula just has to pick 2pm to visit, *grumbles* stupid stupid stupid stupid. and for once.. i can say i like christine. ha. *dances around* i love this. post more soon :]

    4. Paula is a EVIL bitch that needs to die. Great update. I love reading your story it is wonderful. Christine and paula meeting i wonder how that is going to go. PMS

    5. uh oh. thiiiis isnt gonna be good. paula and christine coming at the same time…oh dear. not good at all. whoever is telling you this story isnt good or whatever to diminish your self esteem is on crack. this story effing rocks!! it always makes me smile/laugh!! keep up the great work.

    6. oh god…I’m so obsessed with your story. I mean in love. This is one of my favorites. We love our favorites. LOL. just couldn’t resist XD. I usually don’t comment alot, but this story is so fresh and unique. ;-) I just read all your posts and I love your writing ! All of your stories are amaaaazing !!! and go christine ! get spencer outta here! lol…nice job =) really looking fowards to your updates. *thumbs up*

    7. yea yea that evil conniving bitch Paula just has to pick 2pm to visit, *grumbles* stupid stupid stupid stupid. and for once.. i can say i like christine. ha. *dances around* i love this. post more soon :]

    8. Paula is a EVIL bitch that needs to die. Great update. I love reading your story it is wonderful. Christine and paula meeting i wonder how that is going to go. PMS

    9. I wanted to hug Ashley’s mom. I can’t believe Ashley’s mom is supporting her and Arthur and Clay aren’t fighting for Spencer. Can you kill Paula now? I can’t wait until the girl’s are reunited. Thanks for the update so soon.

    10. I wanted to hug Ashley’s mom. I can’t believe Ashley’s mom is supporting her and Arthur and Clay aren’t fighting for Spencer. Can you kill Paula now? I can’t wait until the girl’s are reunited. Thanks for the update so soon.

    11. Another update, yay. Man, the way you are writing this fic is so peculiar, but I love it, the repitition gives it an unique rhythm. Im glad to see another fic where Christine is actually supportive and not a bitch.

    12. Another update, yay. Man, the way you are writing this fic is so peculiar, but I love it, the repitition gives it an unique rhythm. Im glad to see another fic where Christine is actually supportive and not a bitch.

    13. Wow…again unpredictable. That’s what I love so much about this story! I know that I must sound like a broken record. Lol. Anyway, I definitely wasn’t expecting Ashley’s mom! That was like right out of left field. Lol. Anyways, great job. Continue!

    14. Wow…again unpredictable. That’s what I love so much about this story! I know that I must sound like a broken record. Lol. Anyway, I definitely wasn’t expecting Ashley’s mom! That was like right out of left field. Lol. Anyways, great job. Continue!

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