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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 12)


    Yes, a sense of relief for hours today. My ride home was quiet, just the way that I like it. I wonder if my mother knows that frowning reminds us all of her hardened heart. Her crusade to change me had failed. It had been my favorite so far. We love our favorites. My love had freed me from that. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her. Paula didn’t know that our sparkle could never die.

    Watching Paula. I hate her. Her heart is not with us. Watching her on the news tonight gave me a moment of bliss. I must remember this. I must. 6:44 I know that Paula hated her own self. Seething at her own self. Loathing her own words. Watching her own loveless acts exposed on the news. It was priceless. She hasn’t spoken to me since. I wonder if she knows that I don’t care. All I want is my love, my queen. My hands and body are begging me, even supplicating me. Constant questioning to my heart. When will this end? When will we see her again? I wonder if she knows that her love makes me this way. She knows. She knows everything about me.

    My heart has reminded me that Paula is still keeping me away from my love. I hate her. Her heart is not with us. She has taken away my phone, my cell phone, my computer, even down to my iPod. Why? I don’t know.  Her anger is blocking all the light on our sparkle again. My eyes have begged to read my love’s letter again. I’ve decided to let them. It was our only means. Our only means to embrace her. There were no secret moments. There was no walk by.

    It has been four dreadful hours or so. I don’t even sound like myself. All I want to do is see her. See my Ashley. All her expressions are beautiful. If I could just see her, hold her, and kiss her . I know that I will be okay.

    My father’s heart is feeling so guilty. It’s begging his mouth to speak.


    “Spencer, can I come in?”


    “It’s your world. I’m just your puppet.”

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    1. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    2. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    3. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    4. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    5. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

    6. oh my god!!! i loved it!!! I am sad it’s over but this has got to be my fave story ever!!! you are totally correct love is completely a form of obsession! brilliant

    7. hahaha awww!!! what a great ending!! i love how ashley was like “spence…we have to stop with the obsessive thoughts” hahaha. niiice. amazing story! i LOVED it!

    8. loved loved it. and my tears are for love as well, love of this story and the future ones to come. i cant wait. *muah* manifico. brava brava encore

    9. loved it my tears are for love of the story i wonder if you now how much i love it do not worry cuz i do can’t wait tell your next one peace and love~B~

    10. Wow that was so amazing. I hate to see it end. It was such a beautiful story which had showing me that what you said was true. Your writting is wonderful. I cant wait for you to write another story.

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