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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 2)


    They will be at Gray’s tonight. It’s Wednesday night. She always goes to Gray on Wednesday night. Unfortunately, she will be bringing him. I hate him. Aiden, that is. He’s always walking her around as if she’s a trophy. She likes to be held, to be touched, to be cuddled, and not paraded around. If she was mine, I would treat her like my complement, not my supplement. Thankfully, they don’t see me sitting in the corner. It’s my favorite corner at the bar. I always pick the last seat on the left. It’s comfortable and gives me a good view of her favorite table. Yes, that’s another thing we have in common. We like to keep our favorites. In about 10 minutes, she will ask Aiden to get her a drink. Likely, because she is spending another night routinely bored with his conversation and his friends. Why doesn’t he ever ask her what she wants? Can’t he see that she needs that love and attention?


    I like to watch her when she drinks. I usually order the same thing that she does, cranberry juice. I believe that’s all they serve here at Gray anyway. So that little fact about her was easy to remember. Her lips lightly touch the glass when she drinks. She likes to lick her lips a little first before sipping. The licking drives me crazy to my core. Her lips look so kissable from here. I wonder if she knows how lovely they really are. I would definitely kiss those lips all night. I would never let them go. I can even hear them calling me from here.


    She doesn’t look happy tonight. She hasn’t smiled in the last 30 minutes. I mean well she’s given fake smiles laughing at his jokes. And she hugged him once, with her eyes open, of course. I can tell she doesn’t want to be there. Her heart still isn’t in it. I’ve had so many shots of cranberry juice that I can‘t even think straight. I must pee. Yeah, TMI right? I know.


    Why is it that there are only 2 bathroom stalls and a couch in here? That’s really weird, a couch in this little space? And then one of the bathroom stalls is out of order and of course there’s a line. If they don’t hurry, I might miss something. Who knows what Aiden’s making her do right now? I bet he hasn’t even complimented her on the way she looks tonight. He doesn’t even notice how her skirt flies with the wind when she walks. How her hips sway with the beat of each step. I am so intoxicated by her walk. Her walk is one that makes the knees weak and the heart skip a beat. I know everything about her. He knows nothing.

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    1. holy damn. You did it again, Another stunningly amazing post. Keep up the good job and post more soon please. I’m beginning to get an addiction to your work,.

    2. holy damn. You did it again, Another stunningly amazing post. Keep up the good job and post more soon please. I’m beginning to get an addiction to your work,.

    3. i’m going to have to have more of this right now! seriously…this whole stalker type thing is quite interesting…what oh what could ashley’s secret be? well you are just going to have to write more…right now…so that i can know. please? :)

    4. i’m going to have to have more of this right now! seriously…this whole stalker type thing is quite interesting…what oh what could ashley’s secret be? well you are just going to have to write more…right now…so that i can know. please? :)

    5. LOL. Dude, I “hand dated” a girl once. Ashley Stice…sophomore year of HS. I was definitely the proper stalker, and had many a Spencer monologue rambling in my head, but it was to humor my overtly fantastical imagination…unfortunately, I think your Spence is a bit whacko. Which totally kicks proper ass.I like Ash’s, “see you tomorrow for the walk-by.” Cute. Ashley is gonna get dirty; I can feel it. She’s the bored girlfriend who follows the rules at skool, but likes to sport the whip cream and a pickle during “naughty time.” Or, maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.

    6. LOL. Dude, I “hand dated” a girl once. Ashley Stice…sophomore year of HS. I was definitely the proper stalker, and had many a Spencer monologue rambling in my head, but it was to humor my overtly fantastical imagination…unfortunately, I think your Spence is a bit whacko. Which totally kicks proper ass.I like Ash’s, “see you tomorrow for the walk-by.” Cute. Ashley is gonna get dirty; I can feel it. She’s the bored girlfriend who follows the rules at skool, but likes to sport the whip cream and a pickle during “naughty time.” Or, maybe that’s just my wishful thinking.

    7. lol I like this almost star-struck/stalker kind of Spencer,and I think i speak for most when i say we wanna know Ashley’s secret haha thanks for the post pms!!!

    8. lol I like this almost star-struck/stalker kind of Spencer,and I think i speak for most when i say we wanna know Ashley’s secret haha thanks for the post pms!!!

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