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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 3)




    The princess trumpets again. Yes, I know. I’m crazy for her. Her eyes are locked on mine now. I can’t decide if should blink or not. If I don’t, it will look like I am crying in a few minutes. I suppose that would be appropriate right now though. Crying because I need her. I love her. I want her so badly. Aiden makes me so sick. I think he’s about to speak to me and break our eye contact. She’s looking so intently at me. She’s being serious. There’s no smile, just eye sparkle.


    “Oh yeah. It’s the hottie from the other night. Spencer, come hang out”


    I hate him. How could he not see the loveliness in front of him calling me ‘hottie‘. If I could slap his face, I would. But I can’t take my eyes off of her. In the middle of my stare, I could begin feel her hands on each arm, the rubbing has started. Am I her friend or her lover? I think she knows that I hated Aiden’s comments. I think that she’s trying to comfort me. Our love has grown so much in the last several hours.

    As I sit, I never break my gaze with her and she never breaks mine. Am I obsessed or is she? I mean in love, of course, because I’m not obsessed. I’m in love remember. There is a difference.

    “Sit closer, Spencer. Let’s talk.”


    She grabbed my hand again. Her hands always make the first move. What! She’s cupping my hand like Aiden. Is she angry with me? Have I hurt her.

    “So Spencer Carlin”


    She knows my last name. Did she mean to say that? Her fingers just intertwined with mine. She’s not mad. We are still in love. Yes! She’s still holding my hand under the table. She never does this with her friends that sit at the table with her. Am I special? Yes, my hands are special. Her face looks like she didn’t mean to say my last name.

    “Yes, Ashley Davies”

    Oops! I’ve done it now too. How did something that simple to hold back slip out? That damn, Freud and his slips. I can be so stupid sometimes. It’s the hand holding. It has to be. The hand contact has caused me to be lost in my own mind. Her face looks surprised. I wonder if she knows that all her expressions are beautiful. I think that I literally am shaking now. I know that she has to feel the heat in my hands. The heat that’s slowly spreading through me again. I hope that my face is not showing it. I’m trying so hard to push it down. Hand holding can be so erotic. Why is that Aiden looking at me? I can feel his eyes on me. What is he about to say to me?

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    1. you are so amazing. I was looking for an update all day and then you go and type up this little masterpeice. Never before have I made so many giggling noises. NEVER. wow. You have no idea how in love I am. And bw, that was the best secret ever. Even better than my secret tatto that my parents don’t know about. Wow. I’m so in love right now, even more in love then Spencer is, though that is near to impossible. Lovely. Wooot. PMS please, please, please, please! I need it so so bad. I’m an addict and this story is my drug. Make me high, make me happy, make me float away on a cloud of Spashley love!!! OMG, you are the fucking best.

    2. oh lord!the most amazing secret ever!my god you are such a genius!this fic is the ONLY one to ever have me “Aww-ing” out loud!wacky-obsessed Spencer is so adorable!please…pretty PLEASE i need more!now! :)

    3. i just love this story. your so descriptive nothing happens without us knowing what spencer thinks, but when it comes to ashley’s thoughts its like a giant void and i’ll cling to this story until it is filled. pms

    4. You are quite the writer my friend…quite the writer! You’ve gotten me very interested I love how your writing this out and I want to know more…more about both of them. Keep going and I’ll keep reading! ;)

    5. ok…so i was sitting in an airport while reading this fan-freaking-tastic post and i totally agree with nottwinny – because i have never made that many giggling noises ever either – excecpt for whilst i was giggling people were staring at me because i couldn’t hold them in…hahaha. seriously though, that was the best secret ever and i need you to post another chapter right now. i can’t handle waiting. this whole stalking thing is kinda sexy…i’m not gonna lie. ok, i’m going to take a breather from all of this giggling! Post More NOW!!!!!!!!

    6. you are so amazing. I was looking for an update all day and then you go and type up this little masterpeice. Never before have I made so many giggling noises. NEVER. wow. You have no idea how in love I am. And bw, that was the best secret ever. Even better than my secret tatto that my parents don’t know about. Wow. I’m so in love right now, even more in love then Spencer is, though that is near to impossible. Lovely. Wooot. PMS please, please, please, please! I need it so so bad. I’m an addict and this story is my drug. Make me high, make me happy, make me float away on a cloud of Spashley love!!! OMG, you are the fucking best.

    7. oh lord!the most amazing secret ever!my god you are such a genius!this fic is the ONLY one to ever have me “Aww-ing” out loud!wacky-obsessed Spencer is so adorable!please…pretty PLEASE i need more!now! :)

    8. i just love this story. your so descriptive nothing happens without us knowing what spencer thinks, but when it comes to ashley’s thoughts its like a giant void and i’ll cling to this story until it is filled. pms

    9. You are quite the writer my friend…quite the writer! You’ve gotten me very interested I love how your writing this out and I want to know more…more about both of them. Keep going and I’ll keep reading! ;)

    10. ok…so i was sitting in an airport while reading this fan-freaking-tastic post and i totally agree with nottwinny – because i have never made that many giggling noises ever either – excecpt for whilst i was giggling people were staring at me because i couldn’t hold them in…hahaha. seriously though, that was the best secret ever and i need you to post another chapter right now. i can’t handle waiting. this whole stalking thing is kinda sexy…i’m not gonna lie. ok, i’m going to take a breather from all of this giggling! Post More NOW!!!!!!!!

    11. I love that Spencer can be crazy enough to “stalk” Ashley, but rational enough to wonder…who’s stalking who? That is a good question, yo. I know there is another update, I saw it when I started reading this one, but I wanted to say that.

    12. I love that Spencer can be crazy enough to “stalk” Ashley, but rational enough to wonder…who’s stalking who? That is a good question, yo. I know there is another update, I saw it when I started reading this one, but I wanted to say that.

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