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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 4)


    “The perfume. I know. Get into my car, Spencer. We are going to my house.”


    I’ve stopped shaking now and followed her command. She has nearly fully adjusted me. I can feel myself becoming the woman that she wants me to be. I lover her. I do. Her beauty alone is enough for me to follow. Yes, that is something I know about her. Her house is the beautiful, brick palace about 10 miles from here. It was built in — I wonder if she knows that rubbing my thigh while she’s driving is dangerous.

    “Spencer, you still aren’t a talker, are you?”


    Our routine is taking it’s mold. It’s another one of her favorites. We love our favorites. I love letting her ask me that over and over. I can always she her smile coming when she says that.


    “I…I.. can talk.”


    Does she not know that my body is dying again? Who knew that this was in her? My world has shifted so. Her hand is on my you know. My you know is smiling. Yes, they can smile. They have lips too. A whole night of new thoughts are in order. I am melting. How do her hands know my body so well? I guess because they dated longer. Oh my god! What is that perfume? I want to know everything about her. Does she feel my body shiver when she touches me there? Mmmm.. Maybe I shouldn’t have let our hands stop dating. They feel so good. My body is growing in its jealousy. It wants more contact. Who knew that this was in her?


    “The perfume is lovely, isn’t it? Still not a talker?”


    Yes, my loveliness. Yes. I decided to answer two questions at once since my hips were dancing now with her touch. Her heart is so genuine. Driving and taking care of me at the same time. It’s amazing what her heart can do. I want to know everything about her. I must remember this. Wait! Why am I so close? I didn’t get the time.

    “Mmmmm… yes… I …I… can….mmmm.. talk”


    I suppose that was enough for her to know why — Wait! I think I’m about to –


    ——-Oooooohh! Without thoughts————



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    1. Wow. This has got to be the weirdest thing I’ve ever read. It’s not bad or anything…just extremely odd. But I like it, so if you would please continue writing it, I’d appreciate it. Hah. :). Annyways. They make an odd hand couple. And body couple. I never knew either existed, but whatever haha.

    2. Holy Jesus. It took me two times just to understand this fully, and each time I was laughing my ass off. This is great, and hot, and weird but in that oh-so-good way. :] My Lord, I had no idea that this was going to be this good. And you compared Ashley’s “you know” to the philsbury dough boy. How much more awesome can you get? I don’t even think it’s possible to get any cooler. Haha. Update soon. I’m in dire need of this story.

    3. This is one of the hottest stories I´ve read! I am in overload just like Spencer… Wow who knew this Ashley had it in her to do Spencer while driving… OMG my head is spinning!! I don´t agree with the part of the story being wierd… The way you chose to write it its perfect… short sentences are so easy to read and understand… looks like you are on a roll… please keep posting!

    4. Wow. This has got to be the weirdest thing I’ve ever read. It’s not bad or anything…just extremely odd. But I like it, so if you would please continue writing it, I’d appreciate it. Hah. :). Annyways. They make an odd hand couple. And body couple. I never knew either existed, but whatever haha.

    5. Holy Jesus. It took me two times just to understand this fully, and each time I was laughing my ass off. This is great, and hot, and weird but in that oh-so-good way. :] My Lord, I had no idea that this was going to be this good. And you compared Ashley’s “you know” to the philsbury dough boy. How much more awesome can you get? I don’t even think it’s possible to get any cooler. Haha. Update soon. I’m in dire need of this story.

    6. This is one of the hottest stories I´ve read! I am in overload just like Spencer… Wow who knew this Ashley had it in her to do Spencer while driving… OMG my head is spinning!! I don´t agree with the part of the story being wierd… The way you chose to write it its perfect… short sentences are so easy to read and understand… looks like you are on a roll… please keep posting!

    7. Man, they both are so weird and peculiar, its like Spencer is a obsessive stalker type, but she isn’t dangerous, and it seems Ashley is even more weird and better at hiding it. I kept saying “this is weird” while reading this, with Spencer being stuck on the new perfume, then Ashley asking her about and if she’s a talker repeatedly. It was just weird, hahah, but not necessarily a bad weird. And Ash with the naughty touching in the cafe, and doin Spencer while driving in the car, man, she has just switched up everything. Spencer’s world is on tilt mode, right now. Nevertheless, this is a great, unique story and I like it. I can’t wait for your next update.

    8. Man, they both are so weird and peculiar, its like Spencer is a obsessive stalker type, but she isn’t dangerous, and it seems Ashley is even more weird and better at hiding it. I kept saying “this is weird” while reading this, with Spencer being stuck on the new perfume, then Ashley asking her about and if she’s a talker repeatedly. It was just weird, hahah, but not necessarily a bad weird. And Ash with the naughty touching in the cafe, and doin Spencer while driving in the car, man, she has just switched up everything. Spencer’s world is on tilt mode, right now. Nevertheless, this is a great, unique story and I like it. I can’t wait for your next update.

    9. hahahaha shut uuuup! she so did not just cum in the car. hahahaha omg. why not just ask her what the damn perfume is?! haha GEEZ! love this story. LOOOVE IT!

    10. hahahaha shut uuuup! she so did not just cum in the car. hahahaha omg. why not just ask her what the damn perfume is?! haha GEEZ! love this story. LOOOVE IT!

    11. Spencer is a hand slut, I LOVE IT!!! This is a bit weird and I can’t help but think there is a twist coming that will make us all go, ahhhhh. You know like in “When a Man Loves a Woman” the beginning, where you think they’re strangers, but they’re really not. Ahhhh. I agree with Wicked1, this asking if she’s a talker thing has me thinking, maybe a little too hard possibly. Great update.

    12. Spencer is a hand slut, I LOVE IT!!! This is a bit weird and I can’t help but think there is a twist coming that will make us all go, ahhhhh. You know like in “When a Man Loves a Woman” the beginning, where you think they’re strangers, but they’re really not. Ahhhh. I agree with Wicked1, this asking if she’s a talker thing has me thinking, maybe a little too hard possibly. Great update.

    13. Wow…again you have managed to wow me. On one hand I’m like, Spencer is this strange, stalker women but on the other hand, I don’t even know. I love it…lol, it’s really strange. Not in a bad way but a refreshing way…please ud soon!

    14. Wow…again you have managed to wow me. On one hand I’m like, Spencer is this strange, stalker women but on the other hand, I don’t even know. I love it…lol, it’s really strange. Not in a bad way but a refreshing way…please ud soon!

    15. ok first off, i love how you write them both. secondly i love how you occasionally rhyme in your writing. im weird like that. but i write poetry more often, or i used to, so it all has to sound a certain way in my head why i write. im weird. i know. but i love this story. and i know you rather space them apart, but i want more. *pouts* :]

    16. ok first off, i love how you write them both. secondly i love how you occasionally rhyme in your writing. im weird like that. but i write poetry more often, or i used to, so it all has to sound a certain way in my head why i write. im weird. i know. but i love this story. and i know you rather space them apart, but i want more. *pouts* :]

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