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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 5)

    “God, please Spencer, please”

    “Tell me what you want, Ashley.”

    “I want to feel you inside of my…you know. I want you to love me in your way.”

    “I want to know everything about you Ashley”

    “Then take me, please take me now. And I will show you”

    It was our first real conversation. Her heart is so genuine. Her back arched up as I entered her you know. Slow and hard. Her wetness was my new obsession. I wanted to keep her that way all day and night. Each stroke of her you know called for her cry. No longer did I hear the queen’s serenade. It was her voice. Her sweet, soft voice begging me for me. My world has so shifted. I could hardly breathe. But I like it. I need it. I wonder if Aiden knows that she loves this. I hate him. Her heart is not with him.

    My lips have decided to explore further down. I’ve decided to let them. Her beautiful body is writhing with pleasure underneath me. I have a strong desire to remember the time that this happened, but my own wetness won’t let me. I can feel her heated walls squeezing around my fingers. My lips land on her most sensitive spot while my stroke of her you know never lets up. It’s tastes so like sugar. It’s so sweet. It is. It is. I will certainly have a sugar high in a few minutes. Now I know what Willy Wonka feels like every day. Oompa loompa, my darling. I can feel the wave beginning. It’s force is causing her to speak.

    “Oh, god… Yes, Spencer, yes!”


    Her voice is much prettier than the horns from the serenade. My tongue has decided to twist and my lips have joined it to make a succulent dish of her sensitive spot. It wants answers. It needs answers. I want to know everything about her. I’m obsessed. I mean in love with her.  Her hips. Her hips are bucking now. Her heart is so genuine that it’s letting her body keep up with my rhythm. I am well pleased at her heart’s behavior everyday. I am so wet. She is so wet. Wait! Do you hear that?

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    1. “Now I know what Willy Wonka feels like every day.” greatest line EVER. ha. reading this makes me feel OCD, and just plain crazy…and i LOVE IT! hahaha. its so addicting. you must continue, 123 go! :]

    2. lol no. the greatest line EVER would be. “oompa loompa, my darling.” i was like . that close to tears when i read that hahaha. AMAZING as usual! glad to know spencers not the only obessessed..iii mean, crazy in love one in this deal lol.

    3. Wow. Another amazing post. I don’t know how you do it… and the whole oompa loompa, willy wonka thing? You must have gotten your inspiration from GOD himself. No one I know does that, you are so cool. :] Post more soon. I love that they are both obsessed, I mean IN LOVE, with each other. Whoa. Amazing. Yay.

    4. Oohh, I just love this story, its so beautifully written. It seems they really are made for each other. This is the only fic that I’ve read, that had me reading smut, but it didn’t make me pay attention to that part, just had me focused on this unique beautiful story, that is such an accomplishment. I just loved this line, “My queen has been making me her queen the whole time”. Hehehe, I just loved that. Im not sure if Ashley should tell Aiden that she loves Spencer, he’ll react very badly I think, she should just break up with him.

    5. “Now I know what Willy Wonka feels like every day.” greatest line EVER. ha. reading this makes me feel OCD, and just plain crazy…and i LOVE IT! hahaha. its so addicting. you must continue, 123 go! :]

    6. lol no. the greatest line EVER would be. “oompa loompa, my darling.” i was like . that close to tears when i read that hahaha. AMAZING as usual! glad to know spencers not the only obessessed..iii mean, crazy in love one in this deal lol.

    7. Wow. Another amazing post. I don’t know how you do it… and the whole oompa loompa, willy wonka thing? You must have gotten your inspiration from GOD himself. No one I know does that, you are so cool. :] Post more soon. I love that they are both obsessed, I mean IN LOVE, with each other. Whoa. Amazing. Yay.

    8. Oohh, I just love this story, its so beautifully written. It seems they really are made for each other. This is the only fic that I’ve read, that had me reading smut, but it didn’t make me pay attention to that part, just had me focused on this unique beautiful story, that is such an accomplishment. I just loved this line, “My queen has been making me her queen the whole time”. Hehehe, I just loved that. Im not sure if Ashley should tell Aiden that she loves Spencer, he’ll react very badly I think, she should just break up with him.

    9. Oh my god. I so just got caught up on your story. And i love it. It is so wonderful. Very different but in a great way. I love the way you write. PMS

    10. Oh my god. I so just got caught up on your story. And i love it. It is so wonderful. Very different but in a great way. I love the way you write. PMS

    11. you are such a legend…i can’t stop reading this twisted fabulous love of a story. oh man. if you ever stop writing this story i’m going to have to die…it is sooooo good! i am obessessed with their obsession – no, i mean in love…haha…every time. you are a god. and i heart you!

    12. you are such a legend…i can’t stop reading this twisted fabulous love of a story. oh man. if you ever stop writing this story i’m going to have to die…it is sooooo good! i am obessessed with their obsession – no, i mean in love…haha…every time. you are a god. and i heart you!

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