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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 6)


    “Spencer, I have so missed you my love. And no, it doesn’t upset me. Please come, join me”


    Clear! Did anyone feel my heart stop beating? I almost died just then. She knows me so well. She knows everything about me. Don’t worry, her love resuscitated me. I must remember that, but my wetness won’t let me. I melt every time for my love. Her hand is intertwined with my hand as we walk to her favorite table. She loves being close to me. Her heart is so genuine. I stand waiting for her adjustment.


    “Spencer, come here. Sit next to me.”


    Oh it’s another favorite. We love our favorites. Why is Aiden still staring at me? I hate him. Her heart is not with him. I can see his thoughts coming. His jealousy is finally beginning to see our love.


    “What is it with you two and all this hand holding crap?”



    Aiden. He must go. He must. He must. What! My love has let go of my hand. She’s broken our routine. I am going to die in my desperation. Is our love lost? Who knew that this was in her? You must worry, my tears are for a lost love. Why is Aiden still staring at me? I hate him. Her heart is not with him. My love is adjusting me once more. I beg for her adjustment. I am her woman now. Aren’t I?


    Yes! I am. Her hand has returned. I can breathe now. It ran for fear. It was too exposed. It was shocked by Aiden’s attention. It wanted to be ignored again. But its courage has returned. Don’t worry, my tears are for a love regained that was never lost. What is Aiden about to say?


    “Spencer, why are you fucking crying?”


    Her heart could not bear my tears. It let her wipe them away. Her lips. Her lips are on mine. She has deepened the kiss. Her heart is with me. Aiden wasn’t staring at me. He was staring at her heart in my hands. He was. He was. He knows that I hate him. He knows that her heart is not with him. I must remember this. I can’t my love for her won’t let me. She has nearly freed me. Her heart is on top of mine now. She loves being close to me. My arms are wrapped around her waist. I know everything about her. He knows nothing.

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    1. This story is so good. It reminds me a lot of passage like poetry because through the whole story somethings remain consistent like the way that spencer says she knows everything about her. The way that spencer didn’t even say one word in this chapter but she communicated with ashley without it having certainly been something crazy like telepathy was cool. This story is stalkery weird but thats what makes it so good. post more soon.

    2. love love love it! but what is up with ashley being able to read spencer’s mind with the whole trumpets and horns thing…haha. please write more! I almost freaked when I saw that you posted another b/c i was rereading the others because this story rocks! and no…we don’t want time in between chapters to think about things…we want them now!!! you rock!

    3. This story is so good. It reminds me a lot of passage like poetry because through the whole story somethings remain consistent like the way that spencer says she knows everything about her. The way that spencer didn’t even say one word in this chapter but she communicated with ashley without it having certainly been something crazy like telepathy was cool. This story is stalkery weird but thats what makes it so good. post more soon.

    4. love love love it! but what is up with ashley being able to read spencer’s mind with the whole trumpets and horns thing…haha. please write more! I almost freaked when I saw that you posted another b/c i was rereading the others because this story rocks! and no…we don’t want time in between chapters to think about things…we want them now!!! you rock!

    5. I love your story. Wow it has me coming back for more. I`m addicted. Everytime i am on i check for your updates. I`m glad spencer kicked the shit out of aiden. Spencer you go girl take your queen and leave. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    6. I love your story. Wow it has me coming back for more. I`m addicted. Everytime i am on i check for your updates. I`m glad spencer kicked the shit out of aiden. Spencer you go girl take your queen and leave. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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