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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 6)


    I can’t see it because my eyes are closed and I am kissing my queen. But I am sure that his face looks cold and unfeeling. It is his usual. Wait! I bet he has a familiar emotion. It is anger. His trophy has been removed from his shelf. His heart knows it. She is my love. She has moved our relationship to lovers. She has completely adjusted me. I know his mouth wants to speak.


    “Ashley, what the hell are you doing!”


    See, predictable. Obsessions come in handy sometimes. I mean being in love comes in — oh whatever! I wonder if she knows how beautiful she looks right after we stop kissing. All her expressions are beautiful. I know everything about her. I’m obsessed. I mean in love with her. Ahh better! Her eyes, her lips, and her heart are towards me. She whispers her lovely words again to me.


    “I want to tell him that I love you.”


    Her heart gives me so much pleasure. It is patiently waiting for my answer. Aiden is about to speak. I can see his anger coming faster.


    “You did not just fuckin’ kiss Spencer”


    Was that a statement or a question? Aiden you are so stupid. Could you not see the sparkle? Of course, she just kissed me. I hate him. Her heart is not with him. He can not see her loveliness. His mouth can not see her beauty. His mouth has caused all the eyes in the room to see our sparkle. My love is still waiting for my answer. I squeeze her hand. Her hands are still so soft. She knows that it’s okay. She knows everything about me. She has let me adjust her this time. Who knew that this was in her?


    “Aiden. I have to tell you something.”


    Her voice still takes my breath away. My love and I sit there looking at him. I wonder if she knows that I would never let our love go. We are both exposed. All eyes are listening. All ears are seeing. Our sparkle is everywhere. The world is paying us attention. His mouth has become overwhelmed.


    “Ashley, if you are about to tell me, that you and Spencer are…are. …are…”


    His mouth has died. I am almost certain of it. It choked and died. My queen is approaching to stand on it and mourn its death. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her.


    “Yes, Aiden. I love her. I want to be with her. She is my everything.”


    His jaw has followed his heart this time. They both are on the ground. I hate him. Her heart is not with him. He doesn’t know how to love her like do. I love her so.


    “What is this? What! Are you gay now? What did you do to her Spencer? You freak! There is no way that she can love you over me!”


    My heart won’t let my mouth speak yet. But my mind will answer. I loved her so. She doesn’t cup my hands when we walk. They are intertwined. She doesn’t keep her eyes open when she hugs me. They are closed. She doesn’t call your name during her pleasure. She calls mine. I wonder if she knows that her love is all that I need. I see her smile coming.


    “Her love is all that I need”


    She does know. Her heart is towards me. We stand to take our heart away from this place. He stands to try and stop us. Does he not know that we no longer are two hearts? We are one. Does he know that his strength can’t match that of our love? I can see his anger again approaching, but this time towards my love.


    “Aiden! Let go of me!”


    Don’t worry, I did not hurt him much. Just an ego and a couple of balls. See, not much at all. His pain is enough for today. I must remember this. 9:47. I wonder if watching us walk away while bent over like that will make him cry later. Especially since our hands are intertwined. She loves me so. And I her.




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    1. This story is so good. It reminds me a lot of passage like poetry because through the whole story somethings remain consistent like the way that spencer says she knows everything about her. The way that spencer didn’t even say one word in this chapter but she communicated with ashley without it having certainly been something crazy like telepathy was cool. This story is stalkery weird but thats what makes it so good. post more soon.

    2. love love love it! but what is up with ashley being able to read spencer’s mind with the whole trumpets and horns thing…haha. please write more! I almost freaked when I saw that you posted another b/c i was rereading the others because this story rocks! and no…we don’t want time in between chapters to think about things…we want them now!!! you rock!

    3. This story is so good. It reminds me a lot of passage like poetry because through the whole story somethings remain consistent like the way that spencer says she knows everything about her. The way that spencer didn’t even say one word in this chapter but she communicated with ashley without it having certainly been something crazy like telepathy was cool. This story is stalkery weird but thats what makes it so good. post more soon.

    4. love love love it! but what is up with ashley being able to read spencer’s mind with the whole trumpets and horns thing…haha. please write more! I almost freaked when I saw that you posted another b/c i was rereading the others because this story rocks! and no…we don’t want time in between chapters to think about things…we want them now!!! you rock!

    5. I love your story. Wow it has me coming back for more. I`m addicted. Everytime i am on i check for your updates. I`m glad spencer kicked the shit out of aiden. Spencer you go girl take your queen and leave. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    6. I love your story. Wow it has me coming back for more. I`m addicted. Everytime i am on i check for your updates. I`m glad spencer kicked the shit out of aiden. Spencer you go girl take your queen and leave. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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