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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 7)

    I have been holding her in my arms for nearly an hour without saying a word. Her heart is so genuine. It wanted to have its full release of Aiden. I hate him. Her heart is not with him. He no longer has the balls to love her. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her. Don‘t worry, her tears were for my love, not his. Her heart was so overwhelmed. My heart would not let it be.

    “Ashley, everything will be okay.”


    My heat is spreading through me. I wonder if she knows that squeezing me tighter and kissing my neck makes this happen. I think that she does. I can see her smile coming. No queen’s serenade. No French horns. Just her loveliness. She has nearly freed me.

    “Spencer, I love you more than anything, but I am also afraid.”

    I knew this about her. My lips begged me to kiss her forehead. I’ve decided to let them. My mouth begged me to speak again.


    “Ashley, no one knows about me either. I am also afraid. But I love you more than anything.”


    Her heart gives me so much pleasure. It is allowing her smile to sparkle through with such brightness. Who knew that this was in her? I knew. I know everything about her. Her beauty never fails me. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is open. I wonder if she knows that letting me inside of her you know always makes this happen. All of her expressions are beautiful. She begs for my adjustment now. She begs for me to make her better.

    “Spencer, please don’t stop”

    And I didn’t. I know that I am obsessed. I mean in love with her. But I still know that trees are green. I still know that the sky is blue. I also know that today is not yesterday. But I truly am in a paradise with her. Her heart is crying out for me and my heart is answering.

    “Spencer, please don’t ever stop”

    “Mmmm. Ashley, I’ll never stop”


    Deeper and deeper I traveled. Now I know what Jacques Cousteau felt like every day. Harder and harder I moved into her deep seas. I wonder if she knows how beautiful ecstasy looks on her. Especially sprinkled with my lust.

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    1. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    2. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    3. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

    4. Drama , drama , drama……I love this story….it’s so….intriguing (I need to stop using that word all the time)…At the end of the post , Spencer thinks ” Why does history repeat itself? Why”….Did she just hit Paula? I mean, that’s what she did to Aiden when he didn’t let Ashley go….I can’t wait for you to post more…I suck at giving fb….but I just love this story….PMS

    5. i love it, absolutely, and you know that, but i want to heh repeat myself for good measure. i swear it makes me crazy, but i love it so. post more soon. :]

    6. please post more soon! oooh – i just love it. i lit up when i saw that you had a new post! hooray…and it was even better than i expected it to be. you are just amazing.

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