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    Set Me Free – (Chapter: 9)


    “Let’s see you’ve been here now for 10 days. As well you should be. Hitting your own mother. Then escaping to see that girl. No daughter of mine will be gay. They will fix you. You will see. And then you will come home as a normal girl.”


    Yes, my friend. Paula is trying to adjust my love for my queen. I wonder if she knows that I will never let her love go. Her heart is so genuine. So melt me genuine.


    “Well, say something Spencer. I am only doing this because I love you.”


    The anger is building in my heart. What does she know about love? Nothing. She knows nothing about love. I must remember this. I must. 10:23. My mouth is begging to speak.


    “What do you know about love? You can’t know anything. You ripped our heart apart. My heart is dying here in this place. But my love. My love will never die. You can never take my love for her away. Never! Never!”


    It was the most I’ve said in a while. My heart had convinced my mouth to say it. It had to be said. My whole family had turned against me. No brother. No brother. No father. No mother. All I had was my love. And I miss her so.


    “Sweetheart. I am your mother. It’s not that I don’t care about how you feel. But this kind of love is un..unnatural. You have to see that.”


    Don’t touch me! What do you know about love? You can’t know anything. You ripped our heart apart. Even I know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop. It’s the same number of times that I hate you. Don’t worry, my tears are for love.


    “I just want to go home. I … just…want…to…go…home. How can you do this to me? I am your daughter. How many days will it take you?”


    She looks so stupid. Sitting there. Pretending to cry as if she cared about my love. I hate her. Her heart is not with us.


    “Spencer, I will think about it. I …will…think……”


    My heart remains in captivity. I miss my Ashley. Her heart is so genuine. So melt me genuine.


    ——crying without thoughts——







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    1. well boo gay detox, those places should be illegalized, is that a word? it is now. ha. i love it, and i swear it makes me crazy. so much that when i update i have to stop myself from potientally sounding like spencer and ashley here in your fic. its just gets in my brain and stays. but i do not mind it. i love it in fact. my heart beats for it. you post and i profess my love for it, oh how we love our favourites. so for now ill wait for now the ball is in your court, but ill be back to continue our routine no worries there my love :]

    2. Paula is a bitch that need to go away and let spencer and ashley be together. How could she do that to her own daughter. Great update. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    3. well boo gay detox, those places should be illegalized, is that a word? it is now. ha. i love it, and i swear it makes me crazy. so much that when i update i have to stop myself from potientally sounding like spencer and ashley here in your fic. its just gets in my brain and stays. but i do not mind it. i love it in fact. my heart beats for it. you post and i profess my love for it, oh how we love our favourites. so for now ill wait for now the ball is in your court, but ill be back to continue our routine no worries there my love :]

    4. Paula is a bitch that need to go away and let spencer and ashley be together. How could she do that to her own daughter. Great update. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    5. are you kidding me? she put her in a gay detox? i just thought she like..grounded her! WHAT THE HELL?! where did our arthur go?! the GOOD arthur!? UGH! shitty carlin family. SHITTY SHITTY SHITTY! gah! poor spencer :-(. greatttt update for sure!

    6. are you kidding me? she put her in a gay detox? i just thought she like..grounded her! WHAT THE HELL?! where did our arthur go?! the GOOD arthur!? UGH! shitty carlin family. SHITTY SHITTY SHITTY! gah! poor spencer :-(. greatttt update for sure!

    7. Huh!? They put her in an insitution?! A stupid gay detox center…….(considering this) I’ll bet there are cute girl’s there….Where’s Arthur and Clay?! If they don’t hurry up and rescue her than she should disown them! PMS

    8. Huh!? They put her in an insitution?! A stupid gay detox center…….(considering this) I’ll bet there are cute girl’s there….Where’s Arthur and Clay?! If they don’t hurry up and rescue her than she should disown them! PMS

    9. P.S. I think our favorite’s might be everyone else’s, too. But, I’m the biggest fiction whore here and I’ll be waiting for you with open legs, ummmmm, I mean arms…yeah…..

    10. P.S. I think our favorite’s might be everyone else’s, too. But, I’m the biggest fiction whore here and I’ll be waiting for you with open legs, ummmmm, I mean arms…yeah…..

    11. Gay detox, eh? One word: ARGH! Stupid Paula and her asshat thinking. Did I mention I’m really loving the way you’re writing this? I do apologize for being a lurker…forgive me? From now on I will respond because its just too good not to! And I must agree with carlymarie82 because your favorites are my favorites as well. ;) Looking forward to an update soon.

    12. Gay detox, eh? One word: ARGH! Stupid Paula and her asshat thinking. Did I mention I’m really loving the way you’re writing this? I do apologize for being a lurker…forgive me? From now on I will respond because its just too good not to! And I must agree with carlymarie82 because your favorites are my favorites as well. ;) Looking forward to an update soon.

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