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    She’s into me, Right? – (Chapter: Oh ho ho!)

    Ashley looked into the small Starbucks. It seemed that she had arrived there sooner than Spencer had. She opened the door and a small tinkling sound was heard above her, notifying all of her presence. The door closed lightly behind her. When she looked up at the wide variety of coffee drinks she had to smile. There was no way Spencer could resist all these different flavors.


    She tried to narrow down her choice but it was a very daunting list. Suddenly the entrance bell chimed and someone entered. Ashley turned around and saw that it was Spencer wrapped warmly in a jacket. Even in a puffy marshmallow jacket, she looked way too good. Ashley couldn’t help but try to imagine Spencer without it, and some other key clothing articles, on. She shook her head. Lately all she was thinking about was Spencer in the nude. Ashley shot Spencer a grin and was rewarded with an answering smile. The blonde stood next to Ashley and folded her arms.


    “What are you getting?” she asked.


    “Probably a Caramel Frappuccino. I need something hot. What about you?”


    “One cup of coffee.” She said with extra emphasis on the one.


    Ashley smirked. “That’s what you say now. Wait until you taste the warm deliciousness that is Starbucks coffee. You can’t just have one cup. Give up now and save yourself the humiliation. I’ll still let you go out with me.”


    Spencer cocked her head to the side. “You are way too confident about this. There is no way I’m buying more than one. Besides, I only brought enough money with me for one.” She stuck out her tongue playfully.


    “Damn you and your money. That just means I’ll have to buy two cups.” Ashley retorted.


    Spencer shrugged and moved up to the register. Ashley ambled up besides her. There was no way she was letting Spencer win this thing.


    Spencer placed her order.


    “I’ll have a medium cof…” was all Spencer could get out before Ashley interrupted her.


    “Make that two medium coffees,” she said. “And a Caramel Frappuccino.”


    Spencer glared at her but Ashley just smiled complacently. She pulled out a twenty and handed it to the person behind the counter. If looks could kill…, Ashley thought as Spencer sent her murderous sideway glances. Spencer grudgingly took her plastic cup filled with brown liquid while Ashley juggled a duplicate of the plastic cup, a mug that had whipped cream sitting on top, and her change. The pair headed over to the comfy seats in the corner near the fire place that all Starbucks had. They sat in a large love seat next to each other. Their thighs were gently touching and Ashley was sure that it wasn’t completely accidental, on either of their parts. She set down the extra coffee near her but far enough away that her foot wouldn’t accidentally knock it over.

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    1. Ok so I know that I already said that I love ur story but I’m gonna say it again…I love your story. I’ve read almost every single story on here and urs is definitely one of my favorites!!! Hope you feel better and UD soon!!!

    2. Yes dammit Yes! It’s worth it for her! And if the sexual frustration gets any worse I’m gonna explode here. dammit Ash, I hope you know what you’re doing! Love you like… like Summer loves the fluffy kid. This story is caffeinated addiction!

    3. “Hi, I’m Spencer, and I have a caffeine addiction.””that’s a good start, Spencer, admitting is hat we’re here for in the caffeine junkies therapy session.”

    4. ah. i so knew i was cooler than them. seriously…knew it all along. and snaps for you too! *snaps* . i have to say…you and clomle44 are my favorite authors. annnd as far as this post…the frustration better be damn well worth it for spencer. but i know you wouldn’t break them up this soon…(would you? please no. please?) so i can only assume it will get better from here. :] great post

    5. Ok so I know that I already said that I love ur story but I’m gonna say it again…I love your story. I’ve read almost every single story on here and urs is definitely one of my favorites!!! Hope you feel better and UD soon!!!

    6. Yes dammit Yes! It’s worth it for her! And if the sexual frustration gets any worse I’m gonna explode here. dammit Ash, I hope you know what you’re doing! Love you like… like Summer loves the fluffy kid. This story is caffeinated addiction!

    7. “Hi, I’m Spencer, and I have a caffeine addiction.””that’s a good start, Spencer, admitting is hat we’re here for in the caffeine junkies therapy session.”

    8. ah. i so knew i was cooler than them. seriously…knew it all along. and snaps for you too! *snaps* . i have to say…you and clomle44 are my favorite authors. annnd as far as this post…the frustration better be damn well worth it for spencer. but i know you wouldn’t break them up this soon…(would you? please no. please?) so i can only assume it will get better from here. :] great post

    9. i’m glad you cleared up any doubts we might have about spencer, i certainly hope both of them are ready to try each other out… but they’ve been into each other since the first post! i love it. very glad you posted, and your sick! you’re very faithful to us. the consistency makes my day. :)

    10. i’m glad you cleared up any doubts we might have about spencer, i certainly hope both of them are ready to try each other out… but they’ve been into each other since the first post! i love it. very glad you posted, and your sick! you’re very faithful to us. the consistency makes my day. :)

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