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    She’s With a What!?!

              The blonde woman sat in her car glaring at the scantily dressed woman across the street. She looked down at the photograph in her hands, then back at the girl with green eyes, and short auburn hair. Yup, that was her, the whore who had stolen her Ashley. The photograph in her hand showed her girlfriend holding hands with this…this prostitute! The other photographs showed pictures of the two women hugging, kissing, laughing, and cash being discreetly passed between the two. The woman’s heart hurt, and suddenly her light blue eyes filled with rage. She would exact her revenge. Hurting the prostitute would certainly hurt her girlfriend.

                The auburn haired woman looked around, clearly anxiously waiting for someone. She let out a gasp as a furious looking woman grabbed her arm. She smirked as she recognized her lover’s girlfriend. She knew this would be coming.

                “I know about you and Ashley,” she whispered in an angry voice. The prostitute yanked her arm away.

                “If you want to talk to me, that’s fine, but not out here. My other clients might see me.” The blonde nodded and said nothing. “And if you’re going to be talking to me, I charge $300 for a half hour, and $700 for an hour.”

                “WHAT!?!” the other woman exclaimed.

                “Time is money, and I’m not going to waste my time talking to you if I’m not getting paid,” she explained with a smirk. Angry blue orbs bored into victorious green ones. Mumbling angrily, the blonde took out %150.

                “You get the rest when we’re done talking. Trust me, it won’t take longer than a half hour.” Although she would love to rip the dirty whore to shreds, she wanted answers. She wanted to know why Ashley felt the need to find sexual satisfaction elsewhere. She hated to think about it, but judging by the pictures, there was more than just sex going on between the two, and she wanted to know why. What did this two cent slut have that she didn’t? Had it just been sex, and only once, she may have been able to move past this, but she wanted the truth. And once she got her answers, she’d get her revenge.

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