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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: All the Things You Missed)

    Ashley was deep in sleep when she was suddenly awoken by someone sitting on her. She groaned and halfway opened one eye to peek at Spencer who was grinning down at her. She shut her eye, frowned, and threw her pillow over her head, hopefully sending the hint to Spencer that she was not ready to wake up.

    “Good morning sunshine!” the blonde exclaimed in an incredibly happy voice, too happy in Ashley’s opinion. It was too early for this.

    “Ish a mins a bah!” Ashley mumbled incoherently.

    “Ten am,” Spencer replied.

    “WHY!?!” the brunette asked in a whiny voice. Spencer grinned and took away the brunette’s pillow.

    “Because, I’ve got plans for us!” the blonde replied in an upbeat voice.

    “Okay, Spence, you’re way too excited for 10 in the morning. Are we going to have sex?”

    “Uhhh, no.”

    “Okay then. I’m going back to sleep!” Spencer rolled her eyes and grabbed the pillow away from Ashley, who in response shut her eyes tight and pouted.

    “Ugh! Spence! I’m trying to sleep here!!! Besides, shouldn’t you be in class, or on the way to class. Or sleeping in your bed…okay well you can sleep here, but whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing, make sure it doesn’t keep me awake…unless it’s sex.” Suddenly the blonde got and idea and moved so she was now pressed up against Ashley, who moaned in response. The blonde grinned and then flicked her girlfriend on the forehead. Ashley’s eyes shot open and she glared at Spencer. “Now why the hell would you do that?” she asked while rubbing her forehead.

    “To get you to wake up!” the blonde responded in a cheery voice.

    “Not nice!”

    “Oh!!! Poor baby!” Spencer kissed Ashley on the forehead and then kissed her nose, then her lips. Before Ashley had the chance to deepen it, Spencer pulled back and hopped off of the brunette. “Now c’mon, let’s go!”

    “Go where?”

    “I told you, I’ve made plans for the day!”

    “Uh, Spence, what about classes?” the blonde looked at her with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

    “They got cancelled,” she responded slyly.

    “Hmm, did the teachers cancel them, or did you cancel them?”

    “The teachers of course!” Spencer responded sweetly. “They cancelled yours too, don’t you know? Maybe there’s a strike going on,” she said while grinning at her girlfriend. Ashley simply shook her head and smiled back at the blonde while finally getting out of bed.

    “So, what do you have planned for the day?” she asked completely curious as to what had her girlfriend ditching classes. Spencer simply shook her head.

    “I’m not telling. It’s a surprise!” Ashley pouted but was ignored. “Start getting ready! We’ve got a lot to do today!” the blonde said as she started to get dressed. Ashley wasn’t moving as she was blatantly checking out her girlfriend. “Stop watching me dress!” Spencer called over her shoulder. She may not have been facing the brunette, but she knew what the other girl was up to.

    “Nope! My prerogative as your roommate and your girlfriend,” Ashley replied causing the blonde to roll her eyes once again.

    Soon the two girls were dressed and ready to go. Ashley tried getting Spencer to reveal her plans, but Spencer remained silent. “You wouldn’t tell me where we were going when you took me out, so now you don’t get to know either,” Spencer justified. They headed to the parking lot where Spencer had her car, and they got in. After driving around for an hour, Ashley became impatient.

    “Really Spencer, seriously…where the hell are we going?” she asked in a whiny voice.

    “Shh! Patience is a virtue Ashley!”

    “Babe, that was horrible…seriously! You’re lucky you’re so damn hot!” Spencer just shook her head.

    As it turned out, Spencer had planned a day of fun activities that most kids did, but that Ashley never got to opportunity to do as a child. They had a picnic, and Spencer had packed macaroni and cheese. Spencer had gotten a kite, and showed Ashley how to get it into the sky, and both girls laughed as they ran around the park. They climbed trees and went on the swings and down the slide on the playground. They then took out some board games and played Monopoly and Pretty Pretty Princess. They went roller skating, bowling, and were now currently switching Spencer’s car for her brother, Clay’s, truck. Ashley was confused as to why, but knew not to ask questions because Spencer had been keeping everything quiet. A huge white Dodge Ram pulled up, and the two girls got out of Spencer’s Scion TC.

    “Hey,” Clay said with a grin as he hugged Spencer. He passed her the keys, and turned to Ashley. “I’m Spencer’s brother, Clay.”

    “Ashley,” she said with a smile. Clay seemed really nice, and she hoped that she would eventually get to spend time with Spencer’s family.

    “Mom’s having a family dinner soon,” the young man informed Spencer. “So expect a call sometime soon. Oh, and Glen’s got a girlfriend now!”

    “What!?! Don’t make jokes Clay!” Spencer said teasingly causing her brother to laugh.

    “No joke! They’ve been dating for two months! I think mom’s going to have her over for dinner.” Ashley smiled as she watched the interaction between the two. Seeing as her family life wasn’t the best, it was nice to see Spencer get along so well with her family. After another hug, the two girls headed to the truck and got in. Spencer started the truck, and expertly backed out of the parking spot and then put the truck into drive.

    “You are sooo hot driving this truck,” Ashley observed. Spencer looked over at her and grinned. She simply winked and headed out of the parking lot. They soon pulled into a short line of cars. There were about eight to ten big screens surrounding the area. They were at a drive-in movie theatre. Spencer paid their way in and pulled into a space backwards.

    “Uh, Spence, usually people watch movies facing the movie screen,” the brunette pointed out. Spencer rolled her eyes, but said nothing. She simply proceeded to get out of the car and then opened the doors to the backseat. Ashley looked back, and saw that there were blankets and pillows as well as a bag of popcorn, and a cooler. Spencer took out some of the blankets and put them in the bed of the truck. She got into the back and started spreading out the blankets. Ashley took out the pillows and the snacks, and headed to the bed of the truck. Once the bed of the truck was all set up, with blankets as padding and pillows for them to lean up against, they got under one of the blankets and ate the popcorn and had the soda that Spencer had put into the coolers. The movie started, and the two girls leaned against the pillows and stayed close to each other, content at their proximity.

    After two movies, the two girls headed back to the dorms. They got ready for the night and climbed into bed. They had rearranged their room so that their two beds were now side by side.

    “This day has been amazing,” Ashley told Spencer as they were lying in bed.

    “I’m glad you thought so. I just wish you got to experience these things as a kid. But, there’s still one more thing I have to do,” the blonde announced. Ashley looked at her quizzically.

    “What else could you possibly have to do? You’ve already done more than enough!” Spencer got up, opened her desk drawer, pulled something out, and then jumped onto the bed. She held up a copy of “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie.” The brunette cocked a brow.

    “You’re really going to read me a bedtime story?” she asked slightly amused. The blonde nodded her head vigorously. She laughed as she saw Spencer’s enthusiasm. “All righty then. Read away!” Ashley was perfectly content to just listen as Spencer read to her. Her voice was soft and melodic. When she was down, the brunette was struggling to keep her eyes open. But she was quickly awoken as Spencer kissed her in a not-so-innocent way. Ashley looked up at her with interest.

    “Well, I wasn’t planning on the reading the book to be the last thing I do to you,” she said slyly.


    1. damn right you werent having the story be then last thing you do! hahahaha!! spencers a sex maniaaaac. and i LOVE it! hahaha. mmm love this story SO much. they’re too cute together.

    2. damn right you werent having the story be then last thing you do! hahahaha!! spencers a sex maniaaaac. and i LOVE it! hahaha. mmm love this story SO much. they’re too cute together.

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