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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Dancing Frees the Mind)

                Spencer sighed as she rolled out of bed. She had yet to see Ashley since she had stormed out of their room all in a flourish. Of course her girlfriend was totally justified. She had been a complete ass and should’ve just sucked it up, but she was scared, and she did what she could to cover up her relationship. It was wrong of her to deny her relationship. She couldn’t control what she was saying. It was like word vomit. She couldn’t believe she had agreed to go on a “date” with a guy! “I’m such a horrible girlfriend!” she said out loud in frustration.


    She had no idea when or if Ashley would be coming back anytime in the near future. She came up with an idea to clear her mind. She rummaged through her wardrobe and pulled out her pink Victoria’s Secret Pink! sweats, a white baby tee, and slipped on some shoes. She headed out of the room and hoped that the classroom she was looking for would be free.


    The blonde made her way through campus stopping at the dance and theatre department. She signed her name on a clipboard at the front desk and headed back into one of the dance studios. She placed her duffel bag that she had grabbed before leaving her room onto the floor, took out a cd, and placed it into the impressive stereo that each room held. She closed her eyes as she let the music flow through her. After a few seconds she allowed her body to move with the music as she expressed her feelings the best way she knew how. The stress of school, of pledging, or keeping her relationship with Ashley hidden, all of it came out through her dancing. She loved getting lost in the music and just letting her body move accordingly.


    After sufficiently wearing herself out, feeling the burn in her muscles, she headed back to the dorms in hopes of finding Ashley there. However, the brunette managed to evade her and got in and out of their room before Spencer got back. Granted she’d been in the dance studio for a good two hours, but she was still hoping for a chance to make things right with her girlfriend. Granted, she had no idea how she could take back the pain she must’ve caused, but she still wanted a chance to talk to the beautiful brunette. She opted to take a shower and stay at the dorms, but as soon as she got back to her room, she received a text from Katie asking her whether or not she wanted to go to a party. She decided to try calling Ashley’s cell, but when it went to voice mail, she texted Katie back and told her she’d go.

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