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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: PARTY!)

    The two girls were both on their computers, Ashley looking on Myspace, and Spencer doing homework. The brunette impatiently looked over at her girlfriend. She didn’t understand how the blonde could stand to do so much homework! Granted she had to do quite a fair share of studying herself to stay at USC, but Spencer was definitely quite the overachiever. A grin spread across the older girl’s face as she opened her iTunes music and choose a song to blast. Her girlfriend looked up from her work to glare at Ashley, but she got out of her chair, headed towards the blonde and started to sing along with the lyrics.


    It seems so obvious

    There’s something up with us

    I swear I feel it from across the room

    So can I ask of this, not to be forward miss

    But I think I killed myself if I never knew


    What do I have to do

    To get inside of you

    To get inside of yoooouu

    Cause I love the way you move

    When I’m inside of you

    When I’m inside of yoooouu!


    Just ask and I will do

    Anything you want me to

    There is no limit to how far I will go!


    At this point the blonde jumped out of her seat and tackled a laughing brunette. Spencer was grinning and shaking her head, and Ashley was looking up at her with smiling eyes and a smirk.


                “It’s true you know,” the brunette said in a matter-of-fact tone. Her girlfriend raised an eyebrow in question.



                “The song. I love the way you move when I’m inside of you!” The brunette replied wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. She prepared herself for some sort of assault from her girlfriend and was surprised when instead, she felt soft lips against her own. She moaned as she felt Spencer’s hands move from her waist up to her stomach and then to her breasts. ‘Hmm, maybe I should play that song more often,’ she thought to herself slightly amused. Suddenly her phone started going off, and while she had absolutely no problem continuing on with Spencer, the blonde apparently wasn’t thinking that way and slowly got off of her girlfriend.

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    1. cant say i havent been there before. only i got caught. and it was bad. but then it was a lot more fun. cuz we have to keep the secret going. and then. well. this actually has nothin to do with your fic but DUDE AWESOME UPDATE!!!!!!

    2. cant say i havent been there before. only i got caught. and it was bad. but then it was a lot more fun. cuz we have to keep the secret going. and then. well. this actually has nothin to do with your fic but DUDE AWESOME UPDATE!!!!!!

    3. heheheheheeee. i knew those damn sororities would get involved…they are evil institutions i tell you. made to rip apart beautiful relationships. evil tramps… lol. anyways. ok so basically i’m IN LOVE with you AND this story. because you TOTALLY put ashley tisdale in here and i LOOOOVE her. ANNNNND you put high school musical in here. and i LOOOOOVE that too! i totally watched it yesterday. i got so excited. ahhh. you are BALLIN!

    4. heheheheheeee. i knew those damn sororities would get involved…they are evil institutions i tell you. made to rip apart beautiful relationships. evil tramps… lol. anyways. ok so basically i’m IN LOVE with you AND this story. because you TOTALLY put ashley tisdale in here and i LOOOOVE her. ANNNNND you put high school musical in here. and i LOOOOOVE that too! i totally watched it yesterday. i got so excited. ahhh. you are BALLIN!

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