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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Rivals)

    Ashley and Spencer had been in their sororities for two weeks, and it didn’t take them long to realize that their sororities were rivals. O Gammas couldn’t stand the Sig O’s and vice versa. The two girls found out that in competitions, the two sororities were always neck and neck, and that some of the sororities on Panhellenic couldn’t stand that Omicron Mu Gamma, a local sorority, was allowed to participate in the same events, and that they excelled.

                “So, did you guys decide whether or not to participate in Sigma Chi’s Derby Days this year?” Spencer asked Ashley. It was a Friday, and they were being lazy and just lying on Ashley’s bed. The television was on, but they ignored it.

                “Yeah, and we start learning dances next week. Ugh! I do NOT want to dance! What about you? Is your sorority participating?”

                “Yup! And I can’t wait to dance!”

                “I bet. I don’t know why you’re not a dance major.”

                “Because according to my wonderful mother, I can’t sustain a comfortable living off of the salary that I would earn, if I could find a job, and all the comforts that I’m used to would be taken away. Not to mention that it would be a waste of money going to USC if all I’d major in is dance,” the blonde finished with a hint of annoyance The brunette laughed and earned a playful slap in the shoulder as a response. “So, what’s your theme?” she asked curiously.        

                “Acting as a spy?” Ashley asked playfully. “You know I can’t divulge that information! Top secret and all!”

                “You’re so annoying!”

                “Tell me your theme, I’ll tell you ours.”

                “Seven Deadly Sins is our theme, I’m actually kind of excited about it. Now tell me yours!” The brunette shook her head.

                “Nah! I just wanted to know yours!” This caused the blonde to tackle her girlfriend and pinned her arms above her head. “Oh, aggressive, I love it! So hot!” The blonde lowered her head, moved her hips, causing Ashley to moan, and just as Ashley was closing her eyes, the blonde whispered in her ear.

                “Tell me! Or else I’m getting up to leave, and no making out and groping until you tell me!” This caused the brunette to look into her eyes and tried to ignore Spencer straddling her.

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