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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Rush)

    The brunette looked down at the brochure with hesitancy.

                “You sure about this, Spence?” She eyed her friend wearily. She had never been a fan of such organizations. The media had never depicted them in a good light.

                “Don’t worry about it Ash. I’m only rushing for now. I promised my mom I would. Just because I’m rushing a sorority, doesn’t necessarily mean that I have to join one. It simply means that I’m humoring my mother for a week.”

                “Hmph! I don’t see why they call it rushing. I wouldn’t exactly be in a hurry to go check out any of those bitches,” the brunette mumbled under her breath and frowned. However, Spencer still heard her.

                “Oh, it’s not that bad! I’m sure. Okay, well, I’m not. But really, if it was all that bad, they wouldn’t have so many girls joining, right?” Ashley rolled her eyes.

                “Of course they would. People are always looking for a way to fit in. Why not a fraternity and sorority? I mean, that way you’re guaranteed friends. Think about it…you always have a party to go to, friends, which you paid for, to get ready with to go to said parties, horny guys and girls, alcohol galore…what’s not to like?” Spencer rolled her eyes.

                “Well, why don’t you come check it out with me?” she asked. She wanted to make it sound casual, but in actuality, she just didn’t want to look at the sororities alone. Ashley looked at her in complete disgust.

                “There is no way in hell you’re getting me to check out those fake bitches.”

                “Please??? It’s not as though you have to stay for the whole week! But at least come with me to the first rush event! I don’t want to be by myself!” Ashley looked at the blonde, who was now pouting and giving her her puppy eyes.

                “Oh no Spencer! I’m not falling for that look! You’re not getting me to go! I refuse to go! I am not going to waste my time being judged by copious amounts of girls with a ‘holier than thou’ complex! You couldn’t get me to even if you bribed me!”

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    1. These two are already so cute together…and they’re not even a couple. So when are they going to come clean about their feelings for each other? The sorority thing should be interesting. PMS!

    2. These two are already so cute together…and they’re not even a couple. So when are they going to come clean about their feelings for each other? The sorority thing should be interesting. PMS!

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