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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Thinking, Talking, Doing)

    Spencer groaned as the light streamed in from the window. She checked her cell phone, noting that it was only 11 in the morning. Far too early to be awake on a Saturday morning in her opinion. Especially considering that her and Ashley didn’t get back from the hookah bar until two, and then she didn’t fall asleep until five, thinking about their kiss. She had been a bit buzzed, and they did shotgun first, but she knew that what happened between her and Ashley after they shotgunned had been an all out kiss. There was no way to avoid it. And she wasn’t sure if she wanted to. The only question was how her roommate felt about the issue. At that thought, she looked over at Ashley’s bed, and found that she wasn’t there. “That’s great, she’s avoiding me,” she mumbled out loud. She decided to take a shower while waiting for Ashley to return.

                Spencer was in the middle of drying her hair, when Ashley returned. Ashley paused as she could smell the aroma of Spencer’s shampoo and lotion all around. She didn’t say anything as she watched the blonde, whose hair was over her eyes, and realized how extremely gorgeous she looked, even though she was now resembling Cousin It. But a very hot version of Cousin It. The brunette, on the other hand, looked like a total mess. Her hair was up in a messy bun, she had on sweats and a shirt, and was sweating profusely. She looked like crap. She became entranced, and desperately wished that her hands were running through the blonde tresses.

                Spencer turned off the dryer when she felt as though she was being watched. She looked up and saw Ashley standing there just staring at her. ‘Great, she probably feels awkward about last night. Guess she’ll be requesting a change of roommate,’ Spencer said to herself. She had to admit, Ashley looked pretty hot, even if she had apparently just come back from working out. She had sweats on, a black wife beater, and was lightly covered in sweat. She was glistening really. Not to mention the fact that she could totally pull off the messy bun and still look totally hot. Both girls blushed and turned away once they realized how much they were gawking at each other.

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