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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: Uh Oh…)

                Spencer and Ashley shot up and groaned in pain after hearing a cell phone go off. They both glared at the offending object and fell back onto their beds. Ashley threw a pillow over her head, protecting her eyes from the sun, and Spencer wrapped herself around her girlfriend and nuzzled the brunette’s neck, effectively causing her to be hidden under the pillow as well. The cell phone quickly went off again, and both girls tried to block out the noise.           

                “Just answer it!” the brunette said in a low whisper to prevent further head aches. Her girlfriend reached for her phone and flipped it open.


                “Hello?” she answered in a slightly upset, half asleep voice.       

                “Hey, Spence!” came the cheerful reply. It was her pledge sister, Katie.


                “Hi Katie,” the blonde replied still unenthused. “What’s goin on?”


                “Well, Sarah and I are on our way to get food at the dinning commons, and we wanted to know if you wanted to join us?” She was tempted to decline the offer so she could stay in bed with her girlfriend and sleep the day away, but her stomach growled loudly, which earned her a strange look and then laughter from the brunette. She gently slapped her girlfriend and scowled.


                “Uh, yeah, sure. I’ve gotta get ready, but I’ll meet you guys there in…”


                “Oh, we’ll be there in 15.”


                “Okay, in about a half hour then? Because I still need to take a shower and stuff.”


                “All right, see ya then pledge sis!”


                “Bye!” She closed her phone and fell back onto the bed groaning.


                “What’d they want?” Ashley mumbled from under the pillow that had returned to it’s rightful place.


                “We’re grabbing some lunch, wanna come?”


                “You know I’d love to,” the brunette replied suggestively.


                “I meant to lunch!” the younger girl said in an exasperated voice!


                “I was so talking about lunch!” the other girl countered. The blonde simply rolled her eyes and got out of bed.


                “Well, if you’re joining us, then time to get up. Especially if you’re going to take a shower.” She then leaned over her girlfriend, sniffed around her, and then scrunched up her face. “And I highly advise you to take a shower…”

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    1. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

    2. spencer you idiot. god. friggin smack her upside the head or something cuz she needs to MAN the hell up and just tell her sorority. they dont like it, they can go to hell. GAH! love this story girly.

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