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    Shut Up and Bond! – (Chapter: You’re joining a What!?!)

    “You’re joining a WHAT!?!” Aiden asked Ashley, clearly in shock. Ashley looked slightly embarrassed.

                “A sorority,” she repeated. All the boy could do was shake his head.

                “I definitely never pegged you for a sorority girl,” he admitted.

                “You could say that again,” she told him in agreement. “But they’re really nice, and easy to talk to…and….”

                “And a few cute girls maybe?” he asked with a knowing smirk on his face. Ashley hit him on the arm.

                “NO! Okay, well, yes. They have some cute girls there. But ew! They would be my sisters! That’s just not right! And anyways, I’m not interested in any of them,” she confessed as she thought about the beautiful girl she so affectionately called her roomie.

                “I suppose I wouldn’t be all that interested either if I had a gorgeous, blonde haired, blue eyed roommate whom I could sneak glances at,” he justified. Ashley smacked him upside the head.

                “You perv! I don’t do that!”

                “Oh come on Ashley! Don’t sit there and tell me that you’ve never peeked a glance at Spencer.” The brunette blushed.

                “Well, maybe once…she’s definitely got one amazing body!” she exclaimed. She scanned the boy’s room attempting to avoid eye contact, and her eyes fell on a red flyer. She picked it up and scanned it. It advertised a fraternity.

                “Delta Chi?” she questioned. Aiden blushed. “You made fun of me for being interested in a sorority, and you’re joining a fraternity?”

                “Well, I said you’re not a sorority girl. I’m totally a fraternity guy. Besides, the guys are all really cool.” Ashley simply laughed at him.

                “Frat boy…that’s what I’m calling you from now on!”

                “HEY! Well you’d be a sorority girl.” Ashley groaned.

                “Let’s keep that on the DL for now. I’m simply rushing. I’m making no commitments. They’re some pretty chill girls in the sorority, but if they make me run naked across the quad…I’m out.”

                “Whoa there…if they want you to run naked across the quad…do it! Then tell me about it so I can be there to see it!” This earned him another smack upside the head. “You know, I may as well just get a helmet. I have a feeling I’m going to be getting hit by you a lot!” At least this time the brunette laughed.

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    1. *GASP* first Spashley kiss.. tech first spashley liplock too… with the shotgun and whatnot and spencer can jus deal with kissing ashley…blaming it o the smirnoff TSK TSK.. gives alcohol a bad name

    2. *GASP* first Spashley kiss.. tech first spashley liplock too… with the shotgun and whatnot and spencer can jus deal with kissing ashley…blaming it o the smirnoff TSK TSK.. gives alcohol a bad name

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