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    Silence Broken (One Shot)

                    I carefully tangled our legs together as we lay in her bed, our slightly sweaty skin moving together deliciously. Her blue eyes were attempting to stay open but I knew that she would go under soon, sex always knocked her out. I didn’t mind, it was cute to watch her fight it. I reached down to push her hair behind her ear as she stared up at me, still fighting sleep. The silence was comfortable and usual for us. We never spoke about it; this was just our silent arrangement. On the outside we were best friends, nothing unusual; just Spencer and Ashley. But once we were alone we were all over each; we craved each other twenty four seven. I would never get tired of watching her move beneath me. She was exquisite and I loved exploring her. The hardest part was not being able to touch her in public. To the rest of the world she was the Captain of the Cheerleading squad at King High, girlfriend of Aiden Dennison; the star basketball player, and innocent Catholic girl.

                    We were an odd match; I’ll be the first to admit. I was Ashley Davies, known womanizer, daughter of a famous rockstar, and a burgeoning rockstar myself. She was the angel to my devil. I was the dangerous in her otherwise perfect world. She made me a better person, I couldn’t tell you the last time I’d been to a party or had slept with some random girl. I was too wrapped up in her. I was in love with her and she knew it, we’d never said it out loud but she knew. It was another part of our silent communication. She was in love with me too. It was simple in its complexity. We never talked about it. The only words allowed when we were like this were ones of ecstasy, names called in the core heat of the passion that ate us up when were together,  the loud moans that were impossible to withhold, these things were allowed and embraced. I never put pressure on her to be with me and she never mentioned breaking up with Aiden.

                    It killed us both.

                    She finally drifted off and I smiled down at her as stared at my angel. She was so gorgeous and I would never tire of being with her, or even just staring at her. I let my fingers trace over her still hot skin as my head came to rest on her chest. She had a date with him in a few hours and it was making me sick to think about. His hands would be touching her flawless body, one that I wish could just be mine. It was just mine in one sense though, something that I was eternally grateful for. She never let him touch her in a more than chaste way. To him she was still Virgin Mary, and he was willing to wait for her. Stupid prick, did he not realize that he would never be with her the way we were right now?

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    1. I’m so glad that you posted something. This was an amazing one-shot. I’ve totally missed your stories and I hope you continue then soon. But I’m thankful that you’re writing again. Yay!

    2. I was checking if you posted anything every single day since you left. I knew you just can’t disappear like that. And now here I am. Commenting on your post. Great feeling and great one-shot. The permanent marker thing was awsome. PMS :)

    3. oh yes! im so glad you’re back :) and this was a great oneshot. hopefully you’ll be coming back more permenantly? please please? i realllly miss southern summers! I’ll do anything… well, anyway, great job and awesome to see you back.

    4. yay I was so excited to see and read this! and omg it was great. it was so touching and sweet and I just loved it. I’m hoping that you continue to keep posting! I’ve missed you!

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