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    Smoking Mirrors – (Chapter: Testing the Waters)

    They held the handshake a bit longer than would be deemed appropriate and the Captain realized she had assigned the right people for the job. She remembered from her gay studies classes that one of the most successful armies throughout history was formed from gay men and their respective lovers. The concept, borrowed from Plato’s "Symposium" was that lovers would fight more fiercely and cohesively standing next to one another than two other people that didn’t have a bond. And it worked! For 40 years, the Sacred Band of Thebes went uncontested. In fact, the only army to succeed against them was another that adopted the same philosophy.

    She figured; who better to count on to fall in love with a damsel in distress other than Ms. Ashley Davies, herself?

    She’s such an alpha female.

    She smiled inwardly and silently patted herself on the back. Of course, it helped that Spencer was a hottie. She knew Ashley would be a sucker for big blue eyes and pouty lips.

    The Captain interrupted by clearing her throat and when the two looked up,

    "Ms. Carlin, this is Agent Aiden Dennison. He is the OTHER officer I have assigned to your case."

    The blush that crept up Ashley’s neck did not go unnoticed by Captain Reyes. She smiled, proud at her sheer superiority.

    This should be the easiet 10 million dollars I’ve ever made.

    As Aiden shook Spencer’s hand, the Captain continued,

    "Of course, you will have an entire team that have already set up shop at your new locale. It would just be better that these two be around you 24 hours, 7 days a week."

    Spencer nodded as Ashley had a small party for 2 in her head, complete with applause and a sex romp. Several. Sex romps, actually.

    Stop it, Davies. You know better.

    "I’d rather not tell you where we’re sending you, in order to establish better security." She whispered, "You never know who’s listening."

    Spencer raised an eyebrow, "But, aren’t YOU the good guys?"

    The Captain turned to face her for dramatic effect,

    "Ms. Carlin, you should know better than anyone else, that the "good guys" are usually the ones you should watch out for."

    Spencer shifted her weight, "Well, that’s comforting."

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    1. all i hear is that song…i think its by alicia goes…”i keep on fallin…in and out…of love..with you. i never loved someone the way that i love you.” bah. its gonna be soo freaking amazing when they get to where they’re going..let the romance begin! haha. but waiiit a minute…so is the chief like…trying to get ashley to kill spencer or what? i’m perplexed. cant wait for the next chapter

    2. all i hear is that song…i think its by alicia goes…”i keep on fallin…in and out…of love..with you. i never loved someone the way that i love you.” bah. its gonna be soo freaking amazing when they get to where they’re going..let the romance begin! haha. but waiiit a minute…so is the chief like…trying to get ashley to kill spencer or what? i’m perplexed. cant wait for the next chapter

    3. hearing about spencer’s experience in that house is terrifying. how does she sleep at night?! and if she is killed… at least ashley gets to be neighbors with matt foley. great guy. great update! thanks :D

    4. hearing about spencer’s experience in that house is terrifying. how does she sleep at night?! and if she is killed… at least ashley gets to be neighbors with matt foley. great guy. great update! thanks :D

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