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    Someone who can break me? – (Chapter: theres this girl…)



    So theres this girl….oh my god..she drives me absolutely crazy at times. all i do is think about her night and day. Her name is….uhhh Spencer Carlin. oh my god even saying her name drives me insane. I LOVE HER. Wait..did i just say that out loud? hold on a second here…do i love her? im pretty sure i do. i mean yeah ive told tons of girls that i love them, not that i meant it or anything. well there was that one girl. my first girlfriend, my first love, but im totally over her.. that was totally 2 years ago. the only problem is. no girl ive ever been with has ever amounted up to the way i felt for my first girlfriend..untill now that is.

    this is my story….

    Sorry sweetie, you know i love you and all …LIE… but this just isnt working out. i dont see me with you in the future. "click" i sat my phone down on my computer desk and layed down on my bed

    Thats all it takes..another one bites the dust…

    Kyla came thrashing into my room "Ashley! why did ur girlfriend just call me crying hysterically?"

    "Umm you mean my ex?"

    "Another one? how many god damn ex’s do you have now?"

    "I dont know Ky, you think i count these worthless girls. i mean yeah they are fun for a while, but i get tired of people real easy. In case you had’nt noticed"

    "oh yeah i’ve noticed, i dont understand how im related to such a heartless bitch" Kyla left the room

    K so incase you hadnt noticed by now. I really am starting to think my sister was right. I mean c’mon now. How sad is it when your own sister, whom you’ve known your whole life calls you a heartless bitch. But shes right. I kno shes right. I am a heartless bitch.


    "Hey Aid, whats up?"

    "Hey Lezzy bitch, got any plans tonight?"

    "Naww im probly just gonna chill at home and smoke a few bowls of this chronic i just picked up, and hey what did i tell you about that nick name." ashley spoke clearly into the mouthpiece as she pulled a ciggarette out of her pack and lit it.

    "HAHA. You are my lezzy bitch. what can i say…and said weed?Again? your single again? how many girls hearts you gonna break?"

    "Who told you i broke up with Melissa?"

    "Girl, you and weed, meaning you broke up with ur girlfriend and your just trying to get away from it all and completely drop your feelings."

    "SOO not true!"

    "Girl, ive known you too long"

    "Dont hate..your just jelous cuz its not you that im with"

    "Sorry sweetie, unless you have a dick, im not interested.haha"

    Aiden continued laughing


    "It happens, anyways theres this girl from my school that i want you to meet. I think You’d get along well. She’s bi. and shes smokin hott!"

    "What happened to moments?"

    "Listen hun, i may be gay, but that doesnt mean i cant check out girls for you. thats what besties are for!"

    "alright so where do you want me to meet you?"

    "At the park, you kno the one by melissa’s house"

    "Alright give me 20 minutes yeah?"

    "Alright bye hun."






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