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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: Awkward Turtle!)

    The ride to school on Monday was definitely awkward to say the least. Neither Spencer nor Ashley had discussed their little, hot, passionate kiss. As a matter of fact, they hadn’t talked all weekend, quite possibly the longest they’d gone without talking. Both girls couldn’t believe a kiss could be that passionate. Despite their weekend without any contact, Ashley had shown up at Spencer’s on Monday morning just like she did every school day morning. Plus there was the fact that she was hoping against hope that they’d get about 15 minutes of time to just talk. However, seeing as how everything was awkward, she was perfectly content with stealing glances out of her peripheral vision.

    Spencer had spent the entire weekend wondering whether kissing Lily would be just as amazing. She had hoped so seeing as how they were going to be sleeping together at some point in the future. She didn’t think she would be able to sleep with her if there wasn’t any passion. She was surprised that the thought had never actually crossed her mind before she decided to pursue Lily. The entire plan had been well thought out. Get Lily to notice her, have Ashley help her, get Lily into bed, and no longer be a virgin and not have to worry about any emotional ties. The one thing she wasn’t counting on was Ashley being such an amazing kisser. She had decided to keep things non physical because she figured it would be strange asking Ashley for help, and she assumed that it would be incredibly awkward for anything physical to happen since they were such great friends. Obviously…she was right. Ashley coughed, and Spencer looked over at her hoping that she’d have something to say to break the awkward silence.

    “So…how bout that sky? Talk about blue…” the brunette finally said looking up at the sky. Spencer couldn’t help but giggle as the other girl quoted her favorite cartoon, ‘The Emperor’s New Groove’.

    “Ash, that was a horrible! You could do so much better!” she exclaimed, but was still giggling. The older girl grinned and rolled her eyes. Sometimes it was just too easy to get her best friend to laugh.

    “Hey!” she said with a pout. “I take offense to that!”

    “Oh, I’m sorry. Did I hurt your ego?”

    “What? Why yes, you did actually.” The blonde gently patted the brunette’s arm.

    “Poor baby,” she said in a soothing voice, “I don’t know how your ego can handle such a harsh blow!” Ashley’s breath caught in her throat as she felt Spencer’s gentle touch and heard her sensual voice. ‘What the hell?’ she thought to herself. ‘Why is this happening now? Really, we’ve been friends for months! Why is it now that I’m getting nervous? Why is it now that I just want to turn this car around, head back home, and have my way with her?’ All these thoughts ran endlessly through the brunette’s head, and she couldn’t find the answers to these questions. She glanced over at Spencer and noticed that she was staring intently at her.

    “Do I have some hideously large pimple growing out of my face?” Ashley asked after a couple minutes of the blonde staring at her. She had to say something. It was making her nervous to have her friend stare at her for so long.

    “Hmm, yup! You do!” she replied with a smirk on her face.

    “You’re a horrible liar!”

    “Oh fine, don’t believe me! But uh…don’t be shocked when everyone at school is staring at that huge monstrosity of a zit,” the younger girl informed her with amusement in her voice.

    “Wait, what!?! Are you serious! No! I can’t have a zit!!! When did this happen! Where’s my make up…okay, if we pull over, we might be able to salvage it!” The blonde couldn’t help but burst out into a fit of giggles as Ashley frantically looked for a place to pull over.

    “Ash! Relax! I was only kidding!” The brunette glared over at her and pouted.

    “That was a mean thing to do Spencer Carlin!”

    “Well, you were the one who gave me the idea. And God forbid you to have a zit, or a bad hair day, or anything that makes you look bad!”

    “Damn straight! It’s not easy being this hot…but someone’s gotta do it!”

    “I’m so glad that you chose to do the honorable thing. What else would us Plain Janes have to look at if it weren’t for your celebrity-like looks?”

    “Spence, you’re no Plain Jane. Believe me. You’re very beautiful,” Ashley told her in a soft yet completely serious voice. The blonde blushed and was at a loss for words. They arrived to school in a few short minutes. Now that the awkward silence had returned, neither knew what to say. Both were secretly relieved and disappointed as the school bell rang causing them to head off to homeroom.

    Spencer sat in her English class bored out of her mind. She couldn’t fathom why the teacher kept repeating the necessities of one concrete detail, two commentaries, and one inch margins. Seriously…it was about the fifth time in two weeks that the teacher mentioned it. She stared out of the classroom window slightly perturbed at her predicament. Things with Lily seemed to be going well. They’d only had one date, but it had been successful. They had yet to kiss, but it was only a matter of time now. And hopefully in the near future she could rid herself the title of virgin. Sure, for a long time it had been her goal to remain a virgin until marriage. It seemed like a good concept, and of course with a God loving woman like her mother, she had been taught that it was the virtuous thing to do. However coming to L.A. had quickly caused her to revaluate her situation. Not to mention having Ashley as her best friend caused her curiosity to peak. The brunette often reflected on girls she had picked up and their little rendezvous that she’d take part in. After a certain time Spencer found her ignorance on the subject of sex to be embarrassing even though Ashley tried her best to keep her sex talk to a minimum after finding out the blonde had never done the deed. But that was another thing. Ashley shouldn’t have to feel like she’d need to keep things like that quiet. Not only was the brunette’s discussions causing Spencer to become curious, but she also noticed that it was difficult to keep her 17 year old body from feeling that burning desire deep inside, and it yearned to feel some release. However, she had no desire to spend the necessary time to find someone to be with. Lily was perfect because she felt a physical attraction to the girl, and didn’t care too much for her, so there wouldn’t be any emotional strings attached.

    The blonde was snapped out of her thoughts when a folded piece of paper was passed her way. It was from Ashley who was sitting a few seats away from her, thanks to assigned seating. You seem distracted, what’s up? The note read. She looked briefly over at the brunette and then answered her question. I’m just thinking about some things. It’s English class, when do we ever pay attention? She passed the note back, and within a minute it was passed back Does this have anything to do with last night? Well, finally the subject had been broached, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to have this conversation via note passing in the middle of fourth period. Before she had a chance to answer, the door to the room opened and Lily poked her head in. The entire class’ attention switched to the blonde at the front.

    “Yes?” the teacher asked somewhat annoyed that his class had been interrupted.

    “Sorry to interrupt sir, but Principal Timothy wants to speak to Spencer,” the girl said formally. The teacher nodded his head and indicated for the blonde to leave. Usually he would’ve checked the story out, seeing as how often times students seemed to skip class, but Spencer Carlin was one of his better students, and he, like many other teacher, knew that Ashley and Lily didn’t get along. As a result, Spencer and Lily weren’t friends, and he had no reason to believe that the girl would be lying. Ashley shot the blonde a look, but she simply shrugged, packed up her messenger bag, and left the classroom.

    “Why does Principal Timothy want to see me?” she inquired as soon as they left the classroom. An evil grin spread on the fair girl’s face.

    “Oh she doesn’t. But I was thinking we could go have a little bit of fun. How about it?” Spencer looked a little hesitant. “C’mon now, I see you and Davies leave at least once a week. It’s time someone else shows you a good time.”

    “Yeah, sure. Let’s go!” With that the two girls made their escape. After have a close run in with a security guard, they made it to Lily’s car and hoped in. Spencer’s phone buzzed meaning she had a new text message. She pulled out her cell and read the text from Ashley. What’s going on? She quickly typed a response. Lily and I are skipping the rest of the day. She hoped that the brunette wouldn’t be too upset.

    Ashley frowned as she read Spencer’s reply. She definitely wasn’t happy, but there was nothing she could do about it. She wished the blonde had never come up with this plan. It was ridiculous. Or maybe she only thought so because secretly she wanted the blonde to want her, and not Lily. It wasn’t about competition with the other girl, but the kiss that her and her best friend had awoken the realization that she felt more that friendly feelings towards her sweet Midwestern best friend. “She obviously doesn’t feel the same way,” she mumbled to herself as she headed to her locker for lunch.

    She grinned as she saw a familiar girl hanging out around her locker. It was Rachel, the girl whom she had charmed her way into a conversation. They were technically going out now. Whoops! She had forgotten that little tidbit when she and Spencer had kissed. But it didn’t really count since it was just coaching. In the back of her mind, she knew that it wasn’t true because the kiss had meant more to her than just coaching, but there was no way she was going to bring it up to the other girl. Rachel already held some resentment towards Spencer, as did every other girl Ashley was with. The brunette’s girls didn’t like the close relationship that the two girls shared and had never believed that Spencer was straight. She’d be damned if she was going to inform Rachel of her coaching duties and the kiss they had shared. Besides, the other girl didn’t have her trust, and had no doubt in her mind that the girl would quickly spread the word. She draped her arm around her latest girlfriend and smirked.

    “Let’s get outta here,” she muttered huskily into Rachel’s ear. The other girl smiled and nodded her head as she followed the brunette to her car.

    Spencer and Lily were sunbathing on the beach, eating ice cream cones, and laughing as they watched people interact. The younger blonde was pleased that she was now spending time with Lily instead of being stuck in school. She was surprised by how much her and her companion had to talk about. Their conversations actually flowed. It wasn’t as awkward as she thought it would be considering that Lily now knew her intentions. She did wonder what Ashley was up to at school. She had a pretty good idea what the brunette was up to, but she couldn’t help but let her thoughts wander.

    Spencer looked towards the other girl as she had sensed that she was being stared at. She raised an eyebrow in question. Lily placed her hand on the younger girl’s cheek, and allowed her thumb to brush by the side of her lips.

    “You had some ice cream there,” she explained in a quiet voice. All Spencer could do was nod. She was distracted by the hand now on her face as well as how close she was to Lily. Their mouths were only centimeters apart. “Is it okay if I kiss you now?” she asked softly. Spencer gave a small nod, and soon the two girls were kissing. While Ashley’s kiss had been passionate and slow, Lily’s kiss was filled with lust and she applied varying amounts of pressure. Spencer allowed her tongue to ask for permission to enter the other girl’s mouth, and with a moan from her, Spencer explored her mouth with her tongue. The two eventually pulled away gasping. Yeah, Lily was definitely a good kisser. Whether she was better than Ashley, Spencer couldn’t say. They were both great at kissing with different techniques. After a few more minutes on the beach, the two girls decided to pack up and leave. Lily dropped the younger girl off at her home, and Spencer couldn’t help but think about her plans with Lily and the distraction known as Ashley.


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