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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: I Know You See It)

                Spencer sighed as she looked for Aiden and Kyla to sit with during lunch. Her time would usually be spent hanging out with Ashley, but she had things to take care of. Namely, breaking up with Molly. The brunette could be pretty ruthless, breaking up with a girl, only to have another one hanging off of her by the end of the day. This unfortunately left Spencer on her own. She finally found the couple and sat down across from them, rolling her eyes as they fed each other chips.


                “You two are too disgustingly cute,” the blonde greeted. Aiden and Kyla both grinned at her.


                “You’re just jealous!” Kyla retorted happily.


                “Yeah, Spence. You need to get laid,” Aiden added in.


                “Believe me, I’m working on it,” she mumbled back.






                “So where’s Ashley?” the younger girl inquired. Spencer looked off towards the lockers, Aiden and Kyla’s gazes following. Molly was sobbing asking Ashley to tell her what went wrong. The very bored looking brunette tried to pull herself away, and as she did, her eyes caught sight of a cute girl with light brown hair and emerald green eyes. She proceeded to confidently approach the girl, and within minutes had charmed her way into a conversation. Aiden shook his head as he watched.


                “Damn! How does she do it?” he asked with amazement in his voice.


                “Why are you asking?” Kyla demanded in a stern voice. “Planning on using her technique?” The jock looked fearfully back at his girlfriend.


                “What!?! No! Not at all! I was just wondering! Curious, you know.” Both girls giggled as he stumbled along apologizing.


                “Hey, Carlin,” a soft and confident voice called out. All laughter stopped as three pairs of eyes looked over to the teenage girl standing a few feet behind Spencer. The blonde blushed slightly as Lily sat down on the bench next to her while Aiden and Kyla simply glared. Lily was definitely known as a bitch and she didn’t get along with Ashley; so neither one could imagine why she chose to approach their table.

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    1. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

    2. yay they kissed smart 4 ashley 2 make dat lame excuse i just hope w/ dat kiss spencer notices dat she is supposed to be w/ ashley well keep up da wonderful work pms

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