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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: I Need Your Help)

    “I love you more!” cooed the brunette while she sat talking to her girlfriend on the phone. “Okay, babe, I’ve gotta go.” There was a slight pause. “No! You hang up! Okay…on the count of three. One, two three…I know I didn’t hang up! But you didn’t hang up either!!! Okay, but really, I have to go. Bye babe!” The brunette hung up her phone, sighed heavily, and rolled her eyes. She picked up the magazine she was reading before she had been interrupted.

    “Was that Molly?” The blonde beside her asked, only half interested as she too was reading a magazine.


    “How much longer?”

    “Only about a week…I can’t stand her much more than that.” Spencer rolled her eyes and went back to flipping through her magazine.

    “You’re so fickle, Ash. You can’t stay in a relationship longer than a few weeks.”

    “Hey! I just wanna experience what’s out there!” she replied defensively.

    “Oh yeah, you’re experiencing all right. Going through about half the female population in LA.”

    “You say that as if it’s a bad thing!”

    “Yeah, yeah. I think the only girl that rivals you is Lily. How the hell have you two never gotten together?” The brunette scrunched her nose in disgust.

    “Ugh! Like I’d want to get any diseases from that whore!”

    “Ashley! You hook up with just as many girls!”

    “Okay, but I don’t sleep with all of them! It’s just fun to make out! Don’t be all offended just because you don’t date around!” With that the blonde immediately became quiet. The older girl looked over at her cautiously. “Sorry. That’s not a bad thing. It’s good that you’re…waiting for the right person.”

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    1. Oh God! This is going to prove quite interesting…ten to one…Ashley will teach her some pointers…and they will wind up falling for one another…either that or Ashley will get jealous and try to get Spencer before she gets to Lily…This is going to be awesome…Awesome Update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS…ROCK ON

    2. Oh God! This is going to prove quite interesting…ten to one…Ashley will teach her some pointers…and they will wind up falling for one another…either that or Ashley will get jealous and try to get Spencer before she gets to Lily…This is going to be awesome…Awesome Update…can’t wait for the next one…PMS…ROCK ON

    3. No Spencer, you’re supposed to like Ashley, not Lily. I have a feeling that when Ashley is “showing” her what to do, some unexpected feelings might come up. This should be interesting. Great start.

    4. No Spencer, you’re supposed to like Ashley, not Lily. I have a feeling that when Ashley is “showing” her what to do, some unexpected feelings might come up. This should be interesting. Great start.

    5. omg ok ashley is show her what to do and they r going to fall in love ok i dont kno that for sure but thats what i want to happen ooo and this is so cool my favorite book combined with my favorite show awesome right well i love ur story and plz keep writing pms

    6. omg ok ashley is show her what to do and they r going to fall in love ok i dont kno that for sure but thats what i want to happen ooo and this is so cool my favorite book combined with my favorite show awesome right well i love ur story and plz keep writing pms

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