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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 10-Home)



    I am sitting in my wheelchair dressed and ready to get out of here.  My dad and Glen are waiting with me and the doctors have just given me my discharge papers. 

    "Spencer maybe we should just go ahead and leave.  She probably had another patient or something." Dad says anxious to get me home.

    "She said she would be here.  Anyway I need to know when our appointment is.  Also, you guys really don’t know how to take care of me."  I point out.  Dad looks upset for a moment but then nods his head agreeing with me.  We wait for a few more minutes and then,

    "I am so sorry, there was some major traffic."  Lee bursts into the room, "I am so glad you haven’t left yet."  She gets out while trying to catch her breathe.

    "Well, Spencer wouldn’t let us.  We had to wait until you got here."  Glen glares a little a Lee.  Guess he got over that crush.  Lee looks like she is going to apologize again,

    "It’s fine, we are all here now we can leave, right?"  I say trying to bring the peace.  I am just glad that Lee is here.

    "Yes, let’s get you out of here Spencer."  She turns and goes to get one of the nurses to walk us out.  We get to the car and my dad asks,

    "Now what Leighson?"  My dad asks taking my chair away from the nurse that was pushing me.

    "I will show you how to move Spencer.  You will only need to do this until she is able to do it herself.  Then if it’s ok I will follow you to your house so I will know where it is for Spencer’s session.  Once we get there I will also give some more instructions."

    "Like you can really lift my sister.  Why don’t you just let us do it!"  I stare at Glen not believing he is starting to act like such an ass again.

    "Shut the hell up Glen I think Lee knows what she is doing."  I say not wanting him to hurt Lee, but it seems like she only cares about me,

    "One reason you can’t do it is because you don’t know how.  If you lift her wrong you can injure her or pull something.  Also who do you think has been lifting her the whole time?"  She states as she leans down and I place my arms around her neck.

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    1. I don’t know what happened to me. I read the first couple of posts of this story and then somehow lost it. But anyway, I found it and now I’m all caught up. Where to begin? I know I’m supposed to like Leighson but I just can’t. If she’s someone that will be there to help Spencer through this rough time, she will be okay. If she’s there as a potential love interest, I’m not okay with that. I just don’t think that’s what Spencer needs right now. Or maybe I just can’t stand the thought of her with anyone but Ashley. Speaking of Ashley, what the hell is she thinking? I really want to know what’s going on with her. I HATE the thought of her and Aiden being together, especially with everything Spencer is going through. I really and truly can not stand Ashden. They make me angry. I think the whole twist of Ashley not knowing that Spencer is paralyzed is very interesting. I can’t wait to find out what will happen when she finds out. Anyway, I love the story. My only plea is get rid of Ashden! I’ll look for your update this week. If not, have fun in Mexico!

    2. I don’t know what happened to me. I read the first couple of posts of this story and then somehow lost it. But anyway, I found it and now I’m all caught up. Where to begin? I know I’m supposed to like Leighson but I just can’t. If she’s someone that will be there to help Spencer through this rough time, she will be okay. If she’s there as a potential love interest, I’m not okay with that. I just don’t think that’s what Spencer needs right now. Or maybe I just can’t stand the thought of her with anyone but Ashley. Speaking of Ashley, what the hell is she thinking? I really want to know what’s going on with her. I HATE the thought of her and Aiden being together, especially with everything Spencer is going through. I really and truly can not stand Ashden. They make me angry. I think the whole twist of Ashley not knowing that Spencer is paralyzed is very interesting. I can’t wait to find out what will happen when she finds out. Anyway, I love the story. My only plea is get rid of Ashden! I’ll look for your update this week. If not, have fun in Mexico!

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