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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 13-Ashley’s mistake)


    I took a deep breath when I got outside.  Not like the air in Ohio, but still it calmed my racing heart.  Lee walks up behind me and pushes me further away from the club.

    "You did good Spence.  Do you feel alright?"  She asks calmly.

    "I think I finally do Lee."  I say with a calmness I am starting to feel.  I notice someone I do not know standing behind Lee.  Lee sees where I am staring at,

    "Oh, Spencer this is my friend I was talking about, Colvin."  Lee introduces us and Colvin steps forward and shakes my hand.  She doesn’t seem fazed that I am in a chair.  She has sandy hair and dark blue eyes that seem almost violet.  I am surprised that Glen is not drooling over her.  He must really be serious about Kyla.  I am really happy for them.

    "Nice to meet you, sorry it couldn’t be under better circumstances."  My first impression is that I like her.  That surprises me, I thought I wouldn’t.

    "No problem, I just wanted to meet this patient Lee’s been talking about."  I glance at Lee for an explanation,

    "I just talked to her about how you remind me of well me.  Nothing else."  She assures me while punching Colvin in the arm.  "Stop being an ass.  She always acts before she thinks."  They must have known each other a long time, but right now I just want to get home and try not to think about tonight.

    "Maybe we can get together on another night.  Right now I just want to go home and get some rest."  I say hoping not to offend anyone.

    "Sure Spencer that would be great."  Colvin says.

    "Do you want my help or are you going to let Glen do it."  I don’t even have to think about it.  I just point to Lee.

    "Alright, why don’t you go ahead and go to the car Colvin?"  Colvin says her goodbye and walks off to Lee’s car.  Glen and Kyla get in the car while Lee helps me in.  She folds up the chair and walks over to the door.  She leans in and gives me a hug,

    "It will all seem better tomorrow Spence, just get some rest and try not to think too much about it.  You have done nothing wrong."  I pull her closer and take a deep breath.  I hold her close since she is actually allowing it.  A while later I release her and she says goodnight and goes to her car.  We drive off into the night without much conversation.  I think Kyla and Glen realize I do not want to talk about what happened.  After dropping Kyla off we finally get home.  I roll back to my room to get ready for bed and I try not to listen as Glen tells dad what happened tonight.

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    1. love the chapter I want to know about lee and ashley. I think that Spencer should also her Ashley out about everything. Well great update Keep up the good work. PMS

    2. Man, don’t get me wrong, I love Ashley, but I still stand by my words that she’s gone mental! lol, I think Spencer’s better off with Lee…*SHOCK*…did I really say that…damn! lol

    3. I’ve gotta agree with everyone else. We need to know what Ashley’s deal is. This story just kills me. Did Ashley really break up with Aiden because she felt sorry for Spencer? If so, that really sucks. She doesn’t deserve Spencer.

    4. love the chapter I want to know about lee and ashley. I think that Spencer should also her Ashley out about everything. Well great update Keep up the good work. PMS

    5. Man, don’t get me wrong, I love Ashley, but I still stand by my words that she’s gone mental! lol, I think Spencer’s better off with Lee…*SHOCK*…did I really say that…damn! lol

    6. I’ve gotta agree with everyone else. We need to know what Ashley’s deal is. This story just kills me. Did Ashley really break up with Aiden because she felt sorry for Spencer? If so, that really sucks. She doesn’t deserve Spencer.

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