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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 14-Back to school)


    What is Ashley thinking?  Apparently she thought I would still be there if she chose Aiden.  Am I a doormat or something?  No matter how much I think about this I just don’t know what she is thinking.  I hear the doorbell, what if it’s Ashley.  I sit there staring at the door,

    "Spencer, are you there."  Right, Lee is here for our session.

    "One minute."  I roll over and open the door. 

    "Hey, something wrong?"  She asks while she starts to unpack the equipment.

    "I don’t know, Ashley came here and wanted to get back together.  I told her no and I saw pity in her eyes and didn’t let her explain."  She stops unpacking and stands there. 

    "Maybe you should."  I stare at her back.

    "Maybe I should what?"  I ask.

    "Talk to her."  She says turning around to face me.

    "What, I don’t want to."  I try to say without whining.

    "Spencer, you need to hear her out.  If not only to forgive her, but to find some closure.  Trust me closure is a good thing, sometimes you can’t move on without it."  I hardly hear the last part. 

    "What do you need closure on?"  I ask, maybe she will finally open up.

    "Nothing, you don’t want to hear about it.  Just hear her out Spence.  You will get a chance to talk to her tomorrow at school."  Damn, she avoided it again.  Double damn I forgot I told dad I would go to school tomorrow. 

    "Fine, if Ashley comes to me then I will talk to her, otherwise I won’t do anything."  I say

    "Listen Spencer, don’t just yell at her and roll away."  I roll my eyes but concede.  Since she closed up about her life we just started on my exercises.  Halfway through dad came in.

    "Hey guys how is everything going?"  My dad asks while coming over to see how far I have come.

    "Spencer’s doing well.  She is already lifting more and she is doing more repetitions.  If she keeps like this I won’t be needed." 

    "Shit."  I exclaim as I drop the weight I was lifting.  She’s what?

    "Spencer what’s wrong."  Lee asks as she picks up the weight.

    "Nothing."  She looks at me then turns to my father.

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    1. Ashley does need to make a decision. She can’t keep Spencer and Aiden, especially since she knows that Aiden isn’t capable of just being friends with her. My guess is Aiden is the one making the rude call to Spencer. Maybe Ashley told him she chose Spencer and now he’s upset? Who knows? I’m tired too and ready for bed. Great update.

    2. Ashley does need to make a decision. She can’t keep Spencer and Aiden, especially since she knows that Aiden isn’t capable of just being friends with her. My guess is Aiden is the one making the rude call to Spencer. Maybe Ashley told him she chose Spencer and now he’s upset? Who knows? I’m tired too and ready for bed. Great update.

    3. Let me guess…Aiden? If it is, that assface needs to remove whatever object is up his ass and like 16x-tina16 said, jump off a cliff!! I’m proud of Spencer=) PMS!!

    4. Let me guess…Aiden? If it is, that assface needs to remove whatever object is up his ass and like 16x-tina16 said, jump off a cliff!! I’m proud of Spencer=) PMS!!

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