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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 18-That Hurt)

    "Fuck!  Deal with this."  He yells as he pushes my chair away from him to grab his nose.  Shit I am in the street.  I try and roll away only to see a stick caught in the spokes.  I start to reach down and grab it only to hear a car horn blaring right next to me.  Oh God this is going to hurt.

    Wow that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.  My side is killing me though.  I hear a voice in the distance only to realize it is not that far away.  Actually it is coming from the person that is lying on top of me.  I open my eyes to see Ashley.  She is holding my face trying to get me to respond.

    "Spencer say something.  Come on babe, anything."  I see some tears running down her cheeks and I open my mouth to answer her,

    "Don’t call me babe."  After hearing her call Aiden that I totally lost my liking for the word.  She is so happy I did something she kisses me.  I don’t kiss her back, all I can think is I am hurt again.  Why couldn’t she land on her back with me on top?  I stop thinking and she is still kissing me.  I still don’t react, but someone does.

    "Get the hell off of that cripple you whore!  You are mine!"  Aiden screams madly while pulling Ashley off of me.  Yeah, the crazy man again.

    "You almost killed her asshole, have you gone completely insane?"  YES I think to myself.  Am I the only one to notice?

    "You are my girlfriend, you should not be kissing that cripple."  I try and drag myself out of the street and the fighting pair.  There is going to be no more injuries to Spencer Carlin.  I am being extra careful from now on.  I jerk my head to the side when I hear an ungodly squeak,  I see Ashley pulling her foot away from Aidens crotch.  That had to hurt, she is wearing those heavy boots,

    "Get is now asshole, I don’t want anything to do with you.  Oh and this,"  she punches Aiden in the nose, "Is for calling Spencer a cripple.  You keep talking like you are you may end up as one."  She leaves Aiden there and walks to kneel in front of me,

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    1. OMG Ashley saved spencer I am so happy! HAHAHA Aiden’s naked in the trunk of his car in the courtyard at school. Gotta love Glen in the story. Great Update have a fun spring back.

    2. OMG Ashley saved spencer I am so happy! HAHAHA Aiden’s naked in the trunk of his car in the courtyard at school. Gotta love Glen in the story. Great Update have a fun spring back.

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