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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 22-The End?)


    It has been a month, a month since Spencer made her decision.  A month since I picked her drunk mom up on the side of the road.  It has been almost two months since prom. So much has happened.  I was stupid and choose the wrong person.  My decision truly hit me when I saw her in that chair.  Right then I knew I had to try and make it right, I just didn’t know how to go about it.  I tried to talk to her and explain, but how can you explain something you really don’t understand yourself. 

    I dropped Aiden and got to see his true side.  I never would have thought he would do the things that he did.  His life has changed and I really don’t care.  He was kicked off the basketball team and is now at the bottom of the social ladder.  Not that shocking with the way he looks, he gained about 60 pounds.  Strangely enough he hasn’t done anything to get back at us, but I know he is planning something.  But enough about him.

    "Are you about ready Ash?"  I turn to see Spencer wheel herself in.  Yeah she gave me another try.  I have know idea why, but I will try my best to make her happy for the rest of our lives. 

    "Yeah, I can’t believe your brothers are actually graduating."  I say while grabbing my purse and walking towards her.

    "In know I can’t believe it also.  I also can’t believe that Glen is going to be leaving for the army tomorrow."  She tries to smile, but I can tell this is bothering her more than she is letting on.  Her brother was there for her when I could not be.  I will always be grateful to him for that even though I think he really hates me.  I can see where he is coming from though.

    "Lets get going we don’t want to be late."  I say and we head out.  Spencer still hasn’t let me help her when she gets into the car, but I am trying to give her space and not push it.  As I am driving I think about how we got here.  I was hesitant to know the answer, but I shouldn’t have been.  She took me back with all the mistakes that I had made.  She said it was my faults and mistakes that made me who I am.  She said she loved me anyway.

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