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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 4-Creepy Joe)



    I see her walk in and I actually feel like talking some.

    "Hey, what’s going on?"

    "Nothing, I just had to get away for awhile, how about you."  She sighs taking a seat.  She rubs her eyes and looks up at me.

    "I don’t know, I have an appointment tomorrow with a physical therapist and I know that is going to be a trip, it just seems that everything is piling up with no where to go and I have to deal with it all."

    "Hang on Spencer, just take a breath and try and work through things one at a time."  I take a breath ignoring the pinch, not really helping.

    "Kyla, there is so much going on and the one person I thought I could turn to I don’t think I can trust because she turned to someone else.  I should be furious, but all I feel is numb and…"  I just can’t say anything else.

    "You have had a lot happen to you, it sucks, but try and take things one at a time.  Like try and concentrate on your physical therapy.  The whole Ashley situation can wait because she can’t even see you right now.  Just focus on yourself and try and get better."  She smiles reassuringly at me.  I am glad Kyla is here, she is turning out to be a good friend.  There is a knock on the door and one of the nurses walks in.

    "Sorry ladies, but visiting hours will soon be over."

     "Bye Kyla and thanks."  I actually smile at her.

    "No problem, anytime Spencer."  She walks out and I get ready for my dose of pain medicine that I need.  The nurse leaves and I try not to think to hard about the therapy tomorrow.



    I feel better after talking to Spencer, I actually think I helped her somewhat.  I walk up the driveway to see Aiden getting ready to leave or did her just get here.  Whatever.

    "Hey Kyla, what’s up?"  I just stare at him not really knowing what he wants.

    "What."  He shifts a little getting confused about why I am not saying anything.  "I thought we could, you know, talk or hang out."

    "No Aiden we can’t.  You were dating me, but then decided to fuck my sister, so no we can’t "hang out"."  I start walking towards the house again, thinking he couldn’t be more stupid.

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