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    Sorry??? – (Chapter: 5-Meet Leighson)



    The past few days have been uneventful, finally.  Mom hasn’t done anything and Kyla says that Aiden and Ashley have bee unusually subdued.  They are never at the mansion, but Kyla doesn’t care she gets the place to herself.  I usually try to avoid that whole subject and Kyla understands.

    I am nervous about the new therapist, even though dad has reassured me that everything checks out.  Dad and Glen are both going to be here so that makes it a little better.  Clay is busy with Chelsea and the baby so they could not be here.  They usually don’t come by anyway, why would they, all I really do is stare out the window. 

    At 8:30 dad and Glen arrive and start talking about football or something.  At 8:50 there is a knock on the door, already it’s different than Joe.



    "Come in"  I say.  In walks the most beautiful woman.  She has long brown hair partially in her eyes that are a wonderful green or is it blue(I guess that would be hazel).  I could go on and on but she has started to talk.

    "Hello, my name is Leighson.  I will be Spencer’s personal trainer.  Now who is who here?"  I notice a slight accent as I glide up to her to introduce myself, but Spencer actually beats me to it.

    "I am Spencer, that is my father Arthur and the one drooling is my brother Glen."

    "Am not."  I protest while wiping my chin discreetly just to make sure…wait Spencer actually made a joke and she is not staring out that stupid window.  AND she is kinda smiling, what the hell.

    "Well it is nice to meet you all.  It is always good to have support with you during this.  I know about the previous therapist and I will try to be as accommodating as possible, but it all depends on Spencer since she is who I am here for.  Ok, Spencer is there anything you would like to ask me?"  God she has a great smile and a great pair of ti…

    "Just some information about what will happen and what is the schedule going to be like?"  Dad not Spencer asks.  Wow , he looks like a bear protecting his cub.

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    1. dun dun dun…spencer needs to not fall for leighson because really…she needs ashley. its spashley forever. spaaashley forever. not spleighson or spyla. nope. spashley.

    2. dun dun dun…spencer needs to not fall for leighson because really…she needs ashley. its spashley forever. spaaashley forever. not spleighson or spyla. nope. spashley.

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